HR 8.0 - Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy :

Edmonds College (EC) is committed to supporting a healthy, caring, and sustainable community. To promote a healthy educational and work environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, EC is a tobacco and smoke-free campus, effective September 11, 2017.

The Surgeon General of the United States has determined that smoking remains a leading preventable cause of death and disease in the United States and that even low-level exposure to tobacco products and cigarette smoke, including exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke, is dangerous. The purpose of the Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy is to promote the holistic health and wellness of all members of the EC community.

The use, distribution, or sale of tobacco products is prohibited on and within all EC owned, leased, or managed property. The Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors with the college.  

This policy is complementary to, but does not replace, (1) HR 2.0 Drug-Free Policy and procedure HR 2.01pr, Alcohol and Drug-Free Campus; (2) WAC132Y-125-001 - Student Code of Conduct; or (3) existing rules and regulations dealing with the sale and use of tobacco products at the city, county, state, and federal levels. Medically prescribed and recreational marijuana are not allowed on campus because its use on campus violates federal law, and any violation of federal law might lead to the college's loss of federal financial aid and federal grants.

HR 8.01pr Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Procedures

(was) C 6.3.520 R101 Smoking on Campus Regulation

RCW 28B.50.140 – Board of Trustees, Powers and Duties

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Three years.

2021-Oct 20  Amended to update content owner and contributor

2017-Jul 17  Revisions approved by President's Cabinet

1999-Sep 20  Created and approved by President's Cabinet

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