HR 20.01pr - Parking and Traffic Management : Procedures

The Parking and Traffic Management Procedures outline the proper procedures for enforcing rules regarding parking, permitting, and pedestrian and vehicle traffic management at the Edmonds College main campus and other college-controlled properties. These procedures are designed to effectively enforce WAC 132Y-100 and associated subentries. Whenever possible, and in effect, the Security Officers of Edmonds College will provide traffic and parking management and permit enforcement.

Edmonds College Security Officers are responsible for traffic management and parking enforcement on the Edmonds College campus.

To ensure fair and equitable enforcement of the parking rules for Edmonds College's parking lots and roadways, Security Officers shall patrol parking lots in random order and to the completion of each lot, whenever possible, for the issuance of parking citations for non-compliance with parking and traffic management rules and other associated rules.

Parking Permits:

Security Officers and Parking Patrol Officers shall inspect parked vehicles for valid Edmonds College parking permits including temporary, current, special permits, and temporary visitor and carpool permits.

If a vehicle is displaying an invalid permit, expired permit, or no permit, the vehicle shall be cited appropriately.

If a vehicle is not displaying a valid permit appropriate to the area in which it is parked, the security employee shall inspect the vehicle further for parking permit exceptions, which include, city, county, state, or federally licensed vehicles. Vehicles licensed as mentioned shall not be cited for parking violations, however, they may be cited for violations of safety, fire codes, or ADA parking rules.

Vehicles parked on Edmonds College property in zones marked as disabled parking are required to display current, valid, state-issued disabled parking permits. Vehicles parked in violation of this requirement shall be cited appropriately.

Abandoned Vehicles:

In the event that an inoperative or abandoned vehicle is discovered on campus, the senior college security authority, or their designee, shall be notified for determination of any necessary action.

Inoperative or abandoned vehicles may not be parked on campus without permission from the senior security authority or their designee. Vehicles parked on campus in excess of forty-eight (48) hours will be impounded and stored at the expense of the owner.

Foot Propelled or Battery Powered Devices:

To maintain safe pedestrian right-of-ways, no foot-propelled devices will be operated on campus walkways. This includes, but is not limited to, skateboards, scooters, and bicycles. Additionally, no electric or battery-operated scooters, bicycles, or other motorized vehicles will be operated on campus sidewalks or in the campus courtyards. Exceptions to this may be made for required college vehicles, such as facilities vehicles. Exceptions may also be made for vehicles needed for special events or activities with the prior approval of the security office.


Bicycles must be parked in appropriate bike racks and secured with a locking device. When bike rack space is not available, bicycles may be parked near the bike rack area if the parked bicycle does not interfere with pedestrian traffic and is secured by a locking device to prevent potential theft of the bicycle.

The following specific rules must be observed while operating bicycles on campus:

  1. Bicycles will not be ridden on campus walkways, in campus courtyards, or inside college buildings at any time.
  2. Bicycles will not be leaned on or parked against windows, doors or building walls.
  3. Pedestrians have the right-of-way on all courtyard and sidewalk areas of campus.
  4. Bicyclists must adhere to college traffic rules at all times.
  5. Bicyclists must ride in designated lanes where such lanes exist.

Bicycle Impoundment:

  • Bicycles parked on pedestrian paths or sidewalks, inside buildings, or near building exits may be impounded. 
  • Bicycles left unattended on campus for more than fourteen (14) days may be impounded.
  • Impounded bicycles will be stored in a location determined by the senior campus security official for no more than fourteen (14) days.
  • Abandoned or lost and found bicycles that have been impounded for more than 14 days shall be subject to disposal in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington.

Parking Citations:

Parking citations shall be issued for on-campus parking as established by the Campus Security Department and listed on the college's parking webpage.

The Edmonds College citation schedule is as follows:

Invalid, Expired, or No Permit $40
Parking in Load Zone $40
Parking Fire Lane $100
Parking in ADA Parking without appropriate permit $100
Parking outside single space $40
Smoking/tobacco use - repeat warning $20
Use of foot-propelled device on campus walkways - repeat warning $20
Other $60

Appeal of Fines:

Parking citations may be appealed by completing the on-line appeal form. No hard copy/paper appeals will be accepted. Appeals must be filed online within five (5) calendar days of the citation date. A campus email notification of the appeal decision will be sent within ten (10) business days after receipt of the appeal.

Unpaid Fines:

Failure to pay parking citation fines may result in disciplinary action and/or collections action for students and employees.

Vehicles with three (3) or more unpaid citations of any kind or those in violation of any one of the rules listed below, may be subject to towing and impoundment:

  1. Vehicle is parked in a designated disabled parking space without displaying a valid Washington state disabled parking permit.
  2. Vehicle is parked in a designated fire lane or in an area marked as a No Parking or a Load/Unload zone.
  3. Vehicle is parked in such a manner that it prevents access to/from any parking spaces or disrupts college activities.

Charges associated with towing and impounding shall be the sole responsibility of the registered owner of the vehicle.

The college and its employees or agents shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from such impoundment. 

In the event of a dispute about parking and/or traffic rules, the college's webpage on parking and traffic management shall be considered the most current interpretation of all rules.


College-controlled Property  

Disabled Parking

HR 20.0 Parking and Traffic Management Policy

C 6.4.501 R101 Parking for Large Audiences

C 6.4.501 R103 Fines and Penalties for Violations of Traffic Rules

WAC 132Y-100-001

City of Lynnwood Municipal Code

RCW Chapter 46.61 Washington State Traffic Laws

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Director of Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness


2021-Oct 18  Amended to update content owner

2020-Aug 31  Approved by President's Leadership Team

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