Feb 13, 2025
ANTH 203 - Human Ecology III
5.0 Credits Apply traditional ecological knowledge and modern science to contemporary problems. Partner with tribes, governments, non-profits and businesses to make our community more sustainable through wildlife tracking, habitat restoration & environmental mentorship (was ANTRH 103). Prerequisite: ANTH 202 (was ANTHR 102).
Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Conduct participant observation and service-learning activities with tribes, government agencies, and/or non-profit organizations. [ACT]
- Explain the value of participant observation and service-learning as research tools in anthropology and the social sciences. [COMMUNICATE]
- Describe and discuss the significance of relationships between human social systems and the ecosystems in which they participate. [REASON]
- Identify common native and invasive plants of Western Washington and describe their cultural uses. [ACT]
- Identify common species of animals in Western Washington and recognize their tracks and signs. [ACT]
- Outline the steps of the scientific method [REASON].
- Participate directly in collaborative field-based activities employing scientific approaches to ecological stewardship. [ACT]
- Explain the theory of evolution and its impact on humans and their ecosystems. [REASON]
- Identify government agencies, non-profit organizations, business and industry involved in sustainable development. [ACT]
- Maintain field notes that record, describe and/or quantify human interventions in local ecosystems. [COMMUNICATE]
- Reflect orally and in writing on the value of service as a means of making a difference in a community. [COMMUNICATE]
- Distinguish between sustainable and unsustainable human-ecosystem interactions. [REASON]
- Identify the crucial role of culture in the sustainability of human-ecosystem interactions. [REASON]
- Share an indigenous narrative, news story, poem or other reading material conveying traditional ecological knowledge. [COMMUNICATE]
- Lead a reflection activity inviting other students to connect their service with their learning. [COMMUNICATE]
- Lead a team of students through a term-long stewardship project culminating in an essay and oral presentation. [COMMUNICATE]
- Serve as a peer advocate/mentor to other students new to ecological stewardship. [ACT]
- Lead training sessions of other students new to ecological stewardship. [ACT]
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