2012-2013 Catalog 
    Oct 13, 2024  
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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FOD 231 - Fire Service Instructor II

3.0 Credits
Advancing as a fire service instructor. Content includes planning models, needs analysis, task analysis, lesson plan development, performance testing, supervising training programs, and critiques. Prerequisite: FOD 131  and Fire Department affiliation. Permit code required.

Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Examine and compare planning models and process for developing instructional programs. [REASON]
  2. Analyze a group’s needs and develop a program based on the needs analysis. [REASON]
  3. Develop complete course objectives and a task analysis. [REASON]
  4. Discuss the purpose, components and possible formats of a lesson plan and use them to develop a lesson plan. [REASON]
  5. Modify and develop a lesson plan, including appropriate support and application activities. [REASON]
  6. Deliver a presentation from a prepared lesson plan and participate in a critique. [COMMUNICATE]
  7. Create examples of each type of written and skills performance test and evaluate their effectiveness in measuring lesson objectives. [REASON]
  8. Describe the training manager’s tasks and responsibilities for managing and supervising training programs. [REASON]

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