Mar 31, 2025
LEGAL 265 - Consumer Protection
5.0 Credits Overview of consumer laws including unfair and deceptive sales/ advertising; credit reports, identity theft, truth-in-lending; fair billing and debt collection practices. Prerequisite: LEGAL 200 or instructor’s permission.
Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Use appropriate tools, techniques, and technology to locate primary and secondary print and electronic legal resources at the state and federal levels to solve consumer law problems. [REASON]
- Locate, evaluate and apply federal and state consumer laws in response to an identified legal issue or problem. [REASON]
- Demonstrate an understanding of the federal and state laws governing consumer credit and sales transactions, including unfair and deceptive advertising and sales, usury and sub-prime lending practices, and warranties. [REASON]
- Demonstrate an ability to apply deductive reasoning and reasoning by analogy in communicating the results of an analysis and evaluation of a legal problem. [REASON]
- Assemble the appropriate documents and forms in compliance with procedural rules regarding content and format, necessary to pursuing appropriate legal action or relief in a consumer law transaction. [COMMUNICATE]
- Recognize and evaluate the effects of various advertising, sales and lending practices on consumers from diverse social, economic, and cultural or ethnic backgrounds. [EXPLORE]
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