Policy Management 
    Feb 09, 2025  
Policy Management
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HR 5.01pr - Classified Performance and Development Plan Evaluation : Procedure

Edmonds College is committed to creating and sustaining a workplace environment that fosters employee competence and productivity by utilizing comprehensive performance management practices to develop and maintain high performing employees.

The performance evaluation program provides supervisors and employees an opportunity to discuss and document performance planning, performance expectations, outcomes and feedback. In accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the college and the Washington Public Employees Association, it is the objective of both parties that supervisors and employees will discuss how the employee’s position aligns with the college’s Mission and Goals.

Evaluation Process Guidelines

Employee work performance shall be evaluated during probationary, trial service, transition periods, and at minimum annually thereafter. Evaluations will be conducted at a time that allows for adequate application of the process.


New Employee Process

In order to synchronize new employees in the annual process, supervisors should meet with probationary or trial employees to complete and discuss performance expectations within the first forty-five (45) days of employment. Supervisors should document expectations using Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the OFM/SHR Performance Development Plan (PDP) and refer to these expectations at the end of the annual evaluation cycle. Employees will be provided with a copy of their performance expectations. In addition, should any modification of performance expectations occur within the review period, the employee will be provided a copy of the revised expectation(s).

Probationary or trial service employees will normally be provided written notification of unsatisfactory work performance. Should the performance deficiency be substantial, probationary employees may be separated and trial service employees may be reverted.


Annual Process

The annual evaluation cycle begins on January 1st of each year and ends on December 31st. The Employer will use the PDP form developed by OFM/SHR. A copy of the PDP will be provided to the employee at the time of the review. The employee may submit written comments upon receipt of the form. The original performance evaluation (along with employee comments) will be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. 

Should the supervisor have less than ninety (90) calendar days to observe the employee’s performance, the employee may request a joint review with the previous supervisor (should they still be employed with the college). The employee may also request a consultation with other managers who have knowledge of the employee’s performance.

The content of the PDP is not subject to the grievance procedure of the CBA.

Between January 1st and January 15th each year, the supervisor will meet with the employee and discuss the contents of the PDP. Upon completion of the discussion, the supervisor will provide a signed copy of the completed supervisor evaluation and the annual goals form to the employee for review and signature.

The employee will return the signed forms to the supervisor by January 20th, who will then forward the signed evaluation to the appropriate reviewer for comment and signature. College vice presidents will serve as the reviewers for employees in their units except their direct reports. The college president will serve as the reviewer for her/his direct reports, as well as positions reporting directly to the vice presidents.

By January 31st, the reviewer will sign and forward the completed evaluation to Human Resources to be placed in the employee’s official personnel file. Human Resources will provide copies of the completed evaluation to the employee and the supervisor, upon request.

Evaluations may occur more than once a year at the request of the employee or supervisor. Additionally, if a specific performance concern is identified during the year, the supervisor should detail expectations to the employee in writing and establish a time period for further review.

Training Process:

Managers, supervisors, and employees shall be provided training on the performance evaluation process.

HR 5.0 Human Resources Management Policy 

HR 5.02pr Administrative and Professional Exempt Performance Evaluation Procedure

(was) C.6.3.108 R102 Classified Evaluation

WPEA Collective Bargaining Agreement (Articles 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3)

RCW 41.06.169 Employee performance evaluations—Standardized procedures and forms required to be developed

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Three years.

2021-Oct 19  Amended to update content owner and contributor

2017-Jan 09  Approved by President’s Cabinet

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