Policy Management 
    Oct 18, 2024  
Policy Management
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BOT 1.01pr - Board of Trustees Bylaws : Procedure

Procedure for addressing the Board of Trustees Bylaws policy.

The Edmonds College Board of Trustees shall follow these procedures as they apply to the officers’ role and duties, meetings, office, and advisory representatives.

At the June regular Board of Trustees meeting the Board shall elect from its membership a Chair and Vice Chair, each to serve for one (1) year, beginning September 1st, until their successors are appointed or qualified. The Student Trustee is not considered for an officer position due to his/her one-year term.

The Chair shall, while presiding at official meetings, have full rights of making motions, discussion, and vote.

The Secretary may appoint an appropriate staff member to act as recording secretary for all regular and special meetings of the Board. The Secretary of the Board shall serve as Chair, without privilege of vote, in any regular meeting of the Board conducted in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair. The Secretary shall also be responsible for Board correspondence, compiling the agenda of meetings, and distributing the minutes of the meeting and related reports. The Secretary of the Board, or designee, shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Board and official minutes must be kept of all such meetings.

At any regular meeting, the Board may, by majority vote, cancel the next regular meeting. Additional regular or special meetings may be held when requested by the Chair of the Board or by a majority of the Trustees. No official business shall be conducted by the Board except during regular or special meetings held at a preannounced date, time, and place.

Information and materials pertinent to the agenda of all regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be sent to all Trustees prior to each meeting. Any matters of business or correspondence must be received by the Secretary of the Board by 12:00 noon, eight (8) business days before the meeting, in order to be included on the agenda. A matter of urgent business received later may be included on the agenda if it is a matter of emergency in the judgment of the Chair. All materials to be considered by the Board must be submitted in sufficient quantities to provide each trustee and the Secretary with appropriate, legible copies.

All business transacted in official Board of Trustee meetings shall be recorded in minutes, marked with the Community College District 23 seal, and filed for reference in the office of the Board.

Voting at regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be by voice. A roll call vote may be requested by any trustee for purposes of the record.

The Board of Trustees’ office shall be open during all normal business hours to any resident taxpayer of the State of Washington. Correspondence or other business for the Board shall be sent to the Secretary of the Board whose mailing address is 20000 68th Avenue West, Lynnwood, WA 98036 or is physically located in Gateway Hall, Room 301.

Advisory representatives may attend all regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees and shall participate in these meetings of the Board of Trustees with voice but without vote. All such participation shall be in person, unless a virtual option is offered, and the right of such participation may be exercised by the organization’s designated proxy. If a vacancy occurs in a position of advisory representative, the respective organization shall select a successor for the balance of the term in which the vacancy occurs. All items for discussion proposed by advisory representatives shall be placed on the agenda in advance of meetings through the Office of the President in accordance with Board policies and college regulations.

Individuals giving presentations or making public comments at Trustee meetings shall conform to the Civility and Respect Standards described in BOT 5.0 and BOT 5.01pr,  and shall adhere to the guidelines below:

Presentation Guidelines for Trustee Meetings:

  • Presenters may not promote or oppose any candidate for public office or any ballot proposition.

  • Presenters may not use this time to advertise. 

  • Speakers who disturb the orderly conduct of the meeting may forfeit their right to address the Board and be asked to leave the Trustee meeting.

  • Meetings will be conducted in accord with Edmonds College’s Board policy BOT 1.0 - Board of Trustees Bylaws.

Public Comment Process:

To speak at a regular Trustee meeting:

  • The Public Comment period is reserved for testimony from the audience.

  • Individuals shall write their names on the sign-in sheet on the table at the entrance of the boardroom no later than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the beginning of the Trustee meeting. The Board Chair will allocate an appropriate amount of time for the Public Comment agenda item.

  • Individuals shall identify on the sign-in sheet their affiliation with the college, list the topic they will address, and declare whether they wish to speak or not speak during the public forum.

  • Individuals should not duplicate public statements previously given, in order to ensure as many individuals as possible have an opportunity to give comments to the Trustees.

  • Based upon the number of individuals who have signed up to speak, the Board Chair will allocate the amount of time for Public Comment, and will announce the duration of the Public Comment period at each meeting at the beginning of the meeting.

  • Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, unless otherwise announced by the Board Chair.

  • Speakers may address the Trustees once during the Public Comment period, unless otherwise indicated by the Board Chair.

  • The Board Chair or presiding officer will begin the Public Comment period by calling names from the sign-in sheet. An individual who wishes to speak and who did not place his or her name on the sign-in sheet may approach the podium after those who have signed up have spoken. The Board Chair shall determine if any more individuals may offer public comment at this time.

  • Each individual shall approach the podium and identify his or her affiliation with the college (e.g. whether a student, employee, or community member) and state his or her position with respect to the topic(s) to be addressed. Individuals shall address all remarks to the Trustees as a whole.

  • The Board, at its discretion, may also offer the opportunity to submit public comments in writing by 5:00 pm the day before the scheduled meeting, which would be read into the record in the order received, time permitting. 

Board of Trustee(s)

BOT 1.0 Board of Trustees Bylaws

BOT 5.0 Board Civility and Respect

BOT 5.01pr Board Civility and Respect : Procedure

(was) B 3.2 Board of Trustees Bylaws

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Office of the President, Secretary of the Board of Trustees

Three years. Requires President’s recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

2022-Nov 10, Revised, Board Resolution 22-11-2

2019-Nov 14  Revised, Board Resolution 19-11-1

2017-Nov 02  Reviewed, Board Resolution 17-11-2

2017-Feb 09  Revised, Board Resolution 17-2-1

2014-May 08  Revised, Board Resolution 14-5-1

2007-Jan 11  Revised

2002-Sep 19  Revised

2002-Aug  Approved B 3.2

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