Policy Management 
    Feb 13, 2025  
Policy Management
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HR 5.10pr - Exempt Employees Probationary Period Procedure :

Edmonds College will comply with the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), RCW 41.06.010, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and any related state statutes, regulations, and ordinances affecting civil service employees. This policy is made in accordance with the provision of WAC 357-19-090.

Probationary periods provide an opportunity for the employing department to observe and assess an employee’s work and to train and aid the employee in adjusting to a new position. These periods allow the college to determine whether or not to grant the employee regular exempt status in that position.

A new employee who does not have regular status with the State of Washington must serve a probationary period when appointed to a civil service position. Probationary periods are trial periods in which regular staff employees must demonstrate their ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position. 

The probationary period provides an opportunity for both employees and supervisors to assess how well the employment relationship is working.


This policy applies to all prospective and existing exempt employees of Edmonds College.

Policy Statement 

All employees new to an exempt position are subject to a probationary period. The probationary period for employees working in exempt positions is six months from the first date of employment. After the original probationary period has been completed, in each instance that a regular exempt employee applies for and accepts a different exempt position, the employee must complete an additional six months probationary period. During this probationary period, an exempt employee may be terminated and separated from employment with or without cause.

In situations where a department requires additional time to assess an employee’s performance, Human Resources may authorize the extension of a probationary period for up to an additional three months. Employees must be informed of an extension prior to the expiration of the initial probationary period.

When employees are absent from work for a total of 10 working days or more during their probationary periods, the period may be extended by the length of the absence. When the supervisor’s position is vacant for a total of 10 working days or more during an employee’s probationary period, the supervisor hired to fill the vacant supervisory position may extend the probationary period by the length of the vacancy.

Employment may be terminated prior to the end of the probationary period if authorized by Human Resources and the college President. 


Probationary employee: Probationary employees are responsible for providing a minimum of two weeks notice should they determine that the position is not a good fit for them.

Human Resources: Supervisors are responsible for tracking the dates of the probationary period. Human Resources will authorize the probationary period extension and termination requests.

Supervisors: During the probationary or trial service period, supervisors will closely monitor and provide feedback on the employee’s work performance and behavior. If needed, coaching and counseling will be provided and documented. 

Probationary period separation

An appointing authority may separate a probationary employee with or without cause, in accordance with WAC 357-46, with at least 7 days notice. 


Supervisors must notify Human Resources at least 14 business days in advance of the probationary period end date a decision to either extend a probationary period or to terminate employment during the probationary period. All employees shall be informed in writing in advance of the expiration of the probationary period if their probationary status will be extended or if employment will not be continued.

Supervisors must submit a written request to Human Resources if they wish to waive a probationary period when the employee was previously performing a different position within their department prior to a promotion or transfer. Probationary periods for newly hired exempt employees will not be waived.

If supervisors do not contact Human Resources in writing, at least one month before the end of the probationary period, to either extend the probationary period or terminate the employee prior to the probationary period end date, the employee will be considered to have successfully completed the probationary period.

HR 5.01pr Classified Performance Evaluation Procedure 

HR 5.02pr Administrative and Professional Exempt Performance Evaluation Procedure 

HR 5.03pr Administrative Exempt Employee Procedures

HR 5.04pr Procedure for Reporting of Leave, Overtime, and Compensatory Time : General Requirements for Eligible Employees

HR 5.05pr Procedures for Leaves and Holidays for Administrative and Exempt Employees

HR 5.06pr Procedures for Implementation of Shared Leave

HR 5.07pr Suspended Operations Procedure


WAC 357-19-090 Must employers have a policy on probationary and trial service periods?

RCW 41.06 State Civil Service Law 

RCW 41.06.010 Declaration of Purpose

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Three years.

2021-Oct 20  Amended to update content owner and contributor

2020-Feb 21  Adopted by President’s Leadership Team

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