2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions and Objectives

Note: All courses have identified Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) that align with Program-level Learning Outcomes. More information about CLOs and PLOs can be found on the General Education Learning Outcomes  page in this catalog.

Dual Listed Course
A dual listed course is one of two courses that have the same title and content, but use different department abbreviations. One or the other may be taken for credit, but not both. The student must make the choice at the time of registration. Examples: DIVST 125 - Race and Ethnic Relations:CD  and SOC 125 - Race and Ethnic Relations:CD .


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  • ANTH& 216 - Northwest Coast Indians:CD

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to the cultures and governing structures of Indigenous peoples of American Indian and First Nations tribal communities in the North, coastal British Columbia, and Pacific Northwest region as self-determining actors in a contemporary multicultural and global region.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Describe methods of American Indian and Indigenous Studies for understanding Indigenous peoples of Canada and the United States.
    2. Compare and contrast diverse Indigenous cultures and governing structures of the North Pacific coast.
    3. Outline engagements and entanglements of Indigenous cultures with colonial and settler colonial socieities in the region.
    4. Compare and contrast traditional gift economies with global capitalism of settler colonialism.
    5. Describe the importance of social and political issues American Indians and First Nations face today, such as land claims, fishing rights, ecotourism, casinos, whaling, repatriation, self-determination, and sovereignty.
    6. Conduct participant observation and/or service-learning with local tribal communities.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ANTH 220 - Women of the World:CD

    5.0 Credits
    Explores the diversity of ways that women create, influence, and challenge conventions and representations of gender, sexuality, race, class, and nationality. Comparative analysis of women’s lives from class to culture, from work to marriage patterns, health issues, violence and protection, and grassroots organizing. (Dual listed as WOMEN 220). 
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL& 101 or instructor permission.
    Dual Listed as WOMEN 220

    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Define anthropology and culture.
    2. Define women’s studies and feminism.
    3. Conduct participant observation and service-learning projects with local community partners.
    4. Explain the value of participant observation and service learning as research tools in anthropology and women’s studies.
    5. Describe and discuss the significance and impact of women in cultural systems.
    6. Describe the impact of women’s lives on the cultural landscapes they inhabit.
    7. Reflect orally and in writing on the value of service as a means of making a difference in a community.
    8. Explain how societies are interrelated and the impact of globalization on women’s lives and cultures.
    9. Use a culturally relative approach to the exploration of women’s lives in various cultures.
  • ANTH 255 - Special Topics: Anthropology

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    Special topics in Anthropology are studied.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Evaluate anthropological concepts and theories within a specific topical context.
    2. Describe orally and/or in writing key anthropological concepts related to a specific topic.
    3. Conduct participant observation and service-learning with local community organizations.
    4. Explore the role of culture and diversity within a selected anthropological topic.
  • ANTH 270 - Field Methods in Archaeology:CD

    5.0 Credits
    Experience archaeological field methods through lectures, excavation, and laboratory analysis of cultural materials. Immersion in local culture and history enables students to contribute to public education efforts and gain traditional cultural knowledge.
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL 099.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Participate in a group learning experience and contribute to the solution of common archaeological tasks and problems.
    2. Describe local culture, traditional subsistence, settlement practices, technology, and art.
    3. Participate in local cultural renewal efforts.
    4. Communicate with the public about techniques in archaeological fieldwork, and about regional archaeology and local history in the immediate vicinity of the field school.
    5. Distinguish between theoretical approaches in archaeology (e.g., culture history and culture process; typological and population thinking) and describe the effect of each on data collection, analysis, and inference.
    6. Explain the three phases of cultural resource management in archaeology: cultural resource inventory, testing, and mitigation.
    7. Compare and contrast excavation by natural and arbitrary stratigraphic units and explain the methodological contexts in which each is useful.
    8. Perform laboratory techniques necessary to conserve and curate cultural materials.
    9. Prepare and maintain a field notebook meeting generally accepted scientific standards for research in the field, including the documented events, observations, data, line drawings, etc.
  • ANTH 271 - Laboratory Methods in Archaeology:CD

    2.0 Credits
    Hands on work with archaeological materials in a laboratory setting and proper techniques of artifact preparation, identification, documentation, data collection, and curation. Analytic techniques applied to current research questions.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify common types of artifacts found in archaeological sites. This will include working with classifications and taxonomic keys to identify cultural material and various species of animals and plants derived from archaeological contexts.
    2. Demonstrate protocols for data collection, labeling and cataloging of archaeological artifacts.
    3. Demonstrate competency in gathering and/or manipulating data derived from cultural remains.
    4. Analyze cultural data within the context of a current research question.
    5. Participate in at least one aspect of the development of a final archaeological field report.
  • ANTH 272 - Field Methods in Archaeology II

    5.0 Credits
    Experience archaeological field methods through lectures, excavation, and laboratory analysis of cultural materials. Contribute to public education efforts and gain traditional cultural knowledge through immersion in local culture and history. Serve as peer advocates for introductory students.
    Prerequisite ANTH 270 with a mininum grade of 2.0 and placement in ENGL& 101 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Participate in a group learning experience and contribute to the solution of common archaeological tasks and problems.
    2. Describe local culture, traditional subsistence, settlement practices, technology, and art.
    3. Participate in local cultural renewal efforts.
    4. Communicate with the public about techniques in archaeological fieldwork, and about regional archaeology and local history in the immediate vicinity of the field school.
    5. Distinguish between theoretical approaches in archaeology (e.g., culture history and culture process; typological and population thinking) and describe the effect of each on data collection, analysis, and inference.
    6. Explain the three phases of cultural resource management in archaeology: cultural resource inventory, testing, and mitigation.
    7. Compare and contrast excavation by natural and arbitrary stratigraphic units and explain the methodological contexts in which each is useful.
    8. Perform laboratory techniques necessary to conserve and curate cultural materials.
    9. Prepare and maintain a field notebook meeting generally accepted scientific standard for research in the field, including the documented events, observations, data, line drawing, etc.
    10. Lead a team of students through archaeological fields activities.
    11. Serve as a peer advocate/mentor to other students new to archaeological field methods.
  • ANTH 273 - Laboratory Methods in Archaeology II:CD

    2.0 Credits
    Experience hands on work with archaeological materials in a laboratory setting. Learn proper techniques of artifact preparation, identification, documentation, and data collection. Apply analytic techniques to current research questions. Serve as peer advocate for introductory students.
    Prerequisite ANTH 271 with a minimum grade of 2.0 and placement in ENGL 099 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify common types of artifacts found in archaeological sites. This will include working with classifications and taxonomic keys to identify cultural material and various species of animals and plants derived from archaeological contexts.
    2. Demonstrate protocols for data collection, labeling, and cataloging of archaeological artifacts.
    3. Demonstrate competency in gathering and/or manipulating data derived from cultural remains.
    4. Investigate cultural data within the context of a current research question.
    5. Write clear and concise descriptions and analyses of artifacts.
    6. Develop leadership skills as they lead a team of students through archaeological lab activities.
    7. Effectively communicate, as a mentor, with other students new to archaeological field methods.
  • ANTH 274 - Field Methods in Archaeology III

    5.0 Credits
    Experience archaeological field methods through lectures, excavation, and laboratory analysis of cultural materials. Contribute to public education efforts and gain traditional cultural knowledge through immersion in local culture and history. Serve as peer advocates for introductory students. Explore archaeology careers.
    Prerequisite ANTH 272 with a minimum grade of 2.0 and placement in ENGL& 101 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Participate in a group learning experience and contribute to the solution of common archaeological tasks and problems.
    2. Describe local culture, traditional subsistence, settlement practices, technology, and art.
    3. Participate in local cultural renewal efforts.
    4. Communicate with the public about techniques in archaeological fieldwork, and about regional archaeology and local history in the immediate vicinity of the field school.
    5. Distinguish between theoretical approaches in archaeology (e.g., culture history and culture process; typological and population thinking) and describe the effect of each on data collection, analysis, and inference.
    6. Explain the three phases of cultural resource management in archaeology: cultural resource inventory, testing, and mitigation.
    7. Compare and contrast excavation by natural and arbitrary stratigraphic units and explain the methodological contexts in which each is useful.
    8. Perform laboratory techniques necessary to conserve and curate cultural materials.
    9. Prepare and maintain a field notebook meeting generally accepted scientific standards for research in the field, including the documented events, observations, data, line drawings, etc.
    10. Lead a team of students through archaeological field activities.
    11. Serve as peer advocate/mentor to other students new to archaeological field methods.
    12. Prepare for career options in archaeology.
  • ANTH 275 - Laboratory Methods in Archaeology III:CD

    2.0 Credits
    Experience hands on work with archaeological materials in a laboratory setting. Learn proper techniques of artifact preparation, identification, documentation, and data collection. Apply analytic techniques to current research questions. Serve as peer advocate for introductory students. Explore archaeology careers.
    Prerequisite ANTH 273 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify common types of artifacts found in archaeological sites. This will include working with classifications and taxonomic keys to identify cultural material and various species of animals and plants derived from archaeological contexts.
    2. Demonstrate protocols for data collection, labeling, and cataloging of archaeological artifacts.
    3. Demonstrate competency in gathering and/or manipulating data derived from cultural remains.
    4. Analyze cultural data within the context of a current research question.
    5. Contribute to the development of an archaeology field report.
    6. Lead a team of students through archaeological field activities.
    7. Serve as a peer advocate/mentor to other students new to archaeological field methods.
    8. Prepare for diverse career options in archaeology.
  • ANTH 298 - Individual Project in Anthropology

    5.0 Credits
    Selection, design and completion of project in the field of intermediate to advanced anthropology. Student consults with faculty member in all aspects of the project. S/U grade option. Registration permitted first seven weeks as space is available.
    Prerequisite Instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Examine and evaluate an independent topic while employing anthropological theories and/or approaches.
    2. Propose an independent topic and project.
    3. Communicate in writing and/or orally the results of independent service-learning and/or research project.
    4. Select cultural topics of interest and propose a means for exploring them.
    5. Conduct a service-learning or research project in partnership with a community group or organization.


  • ART& 100 - Art Appreciation:CD

    5.0 Credits
    A survey of the visual arts and architecture, focusing on artistic elements, design, and function in different eras, cultures, and traditions.
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL 099.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply and discuss specific elements and principles of design in works of art and specific course discussions.
    2. Effectively describe, discuss, critique and evaluate varied art works from different time periods, cultures, and traditions, in terms of their technical and artistic characteristics, content aesthetics, and social content.
    3. Effectively communicate orally and in writing the characteristics and content of a variety of artworks from different time periods, cultures, and traditions.
    4. Demonstrate research skills for a formal analysis of artworks using proper documentation of research.
    5. Discuss, critique, and evaluate art in terms of its relationship to society, aesthetic quality and technical excellence using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Explain how the process and challenges of institutionalizing a discussion of art is a process of cultural dominance.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 101 - Drawing I

    5.0 Credits
    Drawing as an act of seeing, selections and translating onto a two-dimensional surface. Students learn to see, represent, and interpret the world around them using both traditional and experimental materials.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed drawing projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in drawing.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of drawing techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for drawing and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of drawing projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of drawing for presentation and proper documentation of research.
  • ART 102 - Drawing II

    5.0 Credits
    Applies skills learned in Drawing I with continued focus on observational drawing development. Conceptural ideas will be explored using both traditional and experimental methods and media.
    Prerequisite ART 101 with a minimum 2.0 grade or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Reinforce techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed drawing projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in drawing.
    3. Reinforce production of quality work through the application of a variety of drawing techniques and media.
    4. Reinforce knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for drawing and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Reinforce constructive critiques of drawing projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Reinforce research skills in the history of drawing for presentation and proper documentation of research.
  • ART 103 - Drawing III

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of Drawing I and II. Introduction of color value. Advanced exploration of experimental media and techniques with an emphasis on presentation.
    Prerequisite ART 102 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Master techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed drawing projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in drawing.
    3. Master production of quality work through the application of a variety of drawing techniques and media.
    4. Master knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for drawing and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Master constructive critiques of drawing projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Master research skills in the history of drawing for presentation and proper documentation of research.
  • ART 111 - Two-Dimensional Design: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Introductory course focusing on the exploration of the elements and principles of design used in two-dimensional (2D) problem solving. Exercises begin with interpretation and translation, progressing to abstraction, and conclude with a series of variations on a visual theme.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed 2D design projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in 2D design.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of 2D design techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for 2D design and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of 2D design projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 112 - Three-Dimensional Design: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of ART 111 focusing on three-dimensional (3D) design fundamentals with an emphasis on visual and critical thinking. Through a variety of materials, 3D fundamentals are investigated formally and conceptually.
    Prerequisite ART 111 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed 3D design projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in 3D design.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of 3D design techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for 3D design and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of 3D design projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 113 - Alternative Approaches to Design: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Presentation of creative processes artists employ to discover and translate ideas, feelings, and concerns into images or objects. Use of a wide variety of methods and approaches, from traditional to technological, to promote visual expression.
    Prerequisite ART 111 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed design projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in design.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of design techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for design and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of design projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 126 - Survey of Western Art: Ancient

    5.0 Credits
    From prehistory through the fall of the Roman Empire and Early Christian period, this course traces the development of the visual arts and architecture in various cultures, with primary emphasis on Western Civilization.
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL 099.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply and discuss specific elements and principles of design in works of Western art dating from Prehistory-fourth century and specific course discussions.
    2. Effectively describe, discuss, critique and evaluate Western art dating from Prehistory-fourth century in terms of their technical and artistic characteristics, content aesthetics, and social content.
    3. Effectively communicate orally and in writing the characteristics and content of Western art dating from Prehistory-fourth century.
    4. Demonstrate research skills for a formal analysis of Western art dating from Prehistory-fourth century using proper documentation of research.
    5. Discuss, critique, and evaluate Western art dating from Prehistory-fourth century in terms of its relationship to society, aesthetic quality and technical excellence using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Explain how the process and challenges of institutionalizing a discussion of art is a process of cultural dominance.
  • ART 127 - Survey of Western Art: Medieval-Renaissance

    5.0 Credits
    A survey of the visual arts and architecture from the Medieval period to the end of the Baroque/Rococo period in Europe.
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL 099.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply and discuss specific elements and principles of design in works of Western art dating from fourth century-17th century and specific course discussions.
    2. Effectively describe, discuss, critique and evaluate Western art dating from fourth century-17th century in terms of their technical and artistic characteristics, content aesthetics, and social content.
    3. Effectively communicate orally and in writing the characteristics and content of Western art dating from fourth century-17th century.
    4. Demonstrate research skills for a formal analysis of Western art dating from fourth century-17th century using proper documentation of research.
    5. Discuss, critique, and evaluate Western art dating from fourth century-17th century in terms of its relationship to society, aesthetic quality and technical excellence using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Explain how the process and challenges of institutionalizing a discussion of art is a process of cultural dominance.
  • ART 128 - Survey of Western Art: Modern

    5.0 Credits
    A survey of the modern roots of contemporary art as well as the wide range of traditional and experimental media and techniques employed by contemporary artists to create visual expression from the 19th century to the present.
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL 099.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply and discuss specific elements and principles of design in works of Western art dating from 18th century-1970 and specific course discussions.
    2. Effectively describe, discuss, critique and evaluate Western art dating from 18th century-1970 in terms of their technical and artistic characteristics, content aesthetics, and social content.
    3. Effectively communicate orally and in writing the characteristics and content of Western art dating from 18th century-1970.
    4. Demonstrate research skills for a formal analysis of Western art dating from 18th century-1970 using proper documentation of research.
    5. Discuss, critique, and evaluate Western art dating from 18th century-1970 in terms of its relationship to society, aesthetic quality and technical excellence using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Explain how the process and challenges of institutionalizing a discussion of art is a process of cultural dominance.
  • ART 129 - Art of a Specific Culture

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to the art of a specific culture; examination of topics ranging from that culture’s archaeology and architecture to its fine arts and crafts.
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL& 101.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply and discuss specific elements and principles of design in works of art and specific course discussions.
    2. Effectively describe, discuss, critique, and evaluate varied art works from the course time periods, cultures, and traditions, in terms of their technical and artistic characteristics, content aesthetics, and social content.
    3. Effectively communicate orally and in writing the characteristics and content of a variety of artworks from the course time periods, cultures, and traditions.
    4. Demonstrate research skills for a formal analysis of artworks using proper documentation of research.
    5. Discuss, critique, and evaluate art in terms of its relationship to society, aesthetic quality, and technical excellence using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Explain how the process and challenges of institutionalizing a discussion of art is a process of cultural dominance.
  • ART 130 - Contemporary Art

    5.0 Credits
    Introduces the recurring themes and practices in contemporary art dating from 1980 to present. Considers how cultural, social, economic, and technological changes during this period have impacted the global field of contemporary art.
    Prerequisite Placement in ENGL& 101.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply and discuss specific elements and principles of design in works of Western art dating from 1980-present and specific course discussions.
    2. Effectively describe, discuss, critique, and evaluate Western art dating from 1980-present in terms of their technical and artistic characteristics, content aesthetics, and social content.
    3. Effectively communicate orally and in writing the characteristics and content of Western art dating from 1980-present.
    4. Demonstrate research skills for a formal analysis of Western art dating from 1980-present using proper documentation of research.
    5. Discuss, critique, and evaluate Western art dating from 1980-present in terms of its relationship to society, aesthetic quality, and technical excellence using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Explain how the process and challenges of institutionalizing a discussion of art is a process of cultural dominance.
  • ART 150 - Painting I: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to techniques in painting using acrylics. Color theory, mixing colors, and application of elements of design are explored. Influences and contributions of various artists and cultures to painting will be discussed.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed painting projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in painting.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of painting techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for painting and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of painting projects created by you and others using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 151 - Painting II: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Investigation of painting tools and materials, styles, and techniques. Organization of painting content, selection of subjects, social aspects, and individual concepts will be discussed and reviewed. Demonstration and studio work time to develop skills.
    Prerequisite ART 150 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Reinforce techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed painting projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in painting.
    3. Reinforce production of quality work through the application of a variety of painting techniques and media.
    4. Reinforce knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for painting and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Reinforce constructive critiques of painting projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Reinforce research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 152 - Painting III: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of ART 151 with an emphasis on the development of a series.
    Prerequisite ART 151 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Master techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed painting projects and course assignments.
    2. Masterly generate, consider, and evaluate problems in painting.
    3. Master production of quality work through the application of a variety of painting techniques and media.
    4. Master knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for painting and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Master constructive critiques of painting projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Master research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 153 - Painting IV: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of ART 152 with emphasis on independent research, large format work, and development of style.
    Prerequisite ART 152 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Master techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed painting projects and course assignments.
    2. Masterly generate, consider, and evaluate problems in painting.
    3. Master production of quality work through the application of a variety of painting techniques and media.
    4. Master knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for painting and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Master constructive critiques of painting projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Master research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 155 - Special Topics: Art

    5.0 Credits
    Topics and seminars of current interest in art.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in assigned discipline.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of art techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
  • ART 160 - Printmaking CD

    5.0 Credits
    An introductory course to contemporary printmaking methods in one or more selected printmaking techniques such as serigraphy, stencil, lithography, woodcut, and collographs with an emphasis on relief and monotype printmaking.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)

    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed printmaking projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in printmaking.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of printmaking techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for printmaking and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of printmaking projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.

  • ART 170 - Pottery I: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Focus on hand building form and materials and techniques of clay and glaze. An exploration and research in clay methods, design elements and three dimensional (3D) composition. Influences and contributions of various artists and cultures will be discussed.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed ceramic projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in ceramics.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of ceramic techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for ceramics and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of ceramic projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 171 - Pottery II: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of ART 170 focusing on experimentation and designs in clay. Introduction to the potter’s wheel with an emphasis on exploration of 3D elements and principles of functional form. Influences and contributions of various artists and cultures will be discussed.
    Prerequisite ART 112 with a minimum grade of 2.0, ART 170 with a minimum grade of 2.0, or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Reinforce techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed ceramic projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in ceramics.
    3. Reinforce production of quality work through the application of a variety of ceramic techniques and media.
    4. Reinforce knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for ceramics and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Reinforce constructive critiques of ceramic projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Reinforce research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 172 - Pottery III: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of ART 171 with focus on functional or nonfunctional works in a series. Provides an introduction to glaze compositions and applications, and kiln firing. Influences and contributions of various artists and cultures will be discussed.
    Prerequisite ART 112 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or ART 171 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Master techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed ceramic projects and course assignments.
    2. Masterly generate, consider, and evaluate problems in ceramics.
    3. Master production of quality work through the application of a variety of ceramic techniques and media.
    4. Master knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for ceramics and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Master constructive critiques of ceramic projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Master research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 173 - Pottery IV: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of ART 171 and 172 with a focus on problem setting and solving. Provides further experience with glaze composition and application as well as kiln firing. Influences and contributions of various artists and cultures will be discussed.
    Prerequisite ART 172 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Master techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed ceramic projects and course assignments.
    2. Masterly generate, consider, and evaluate problems in ceramics.
    3. Master production of quality work through the application of a variety of ceramic techniques and media.
    4. Master knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for ceramics and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Master constructive critiques of ceramic projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Master research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 175 - Jewelry and Metal Design I

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to basic elements and principles of design as applied to jewelry. Projects focus on the application of basic fabrication techniques of sawing, piercing, filing, soldering, and buffing. Emphasis on creativity and quality crafting of fine art jewelry.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed jewelry projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in jewelry.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of jewelry techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for jewelry and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of jewelry projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
  • ART 176 - Jewelry and Metal Design II

    5.0 Credits
    Continuation of ART 175 with an emphasis on casting of nonferrous metal utilizing various processes and techniques.
    Prerequisite ART 175 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Reinforce techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed jewelry projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in jewelry.
    3. Reinforce production of quality work through the application of a variety of jewelry techniques and media.
    4. Reinforce knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for jewelry and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Reinforce constructive critiques of jewelry projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Reinforce research skills in the history of jewelry for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
  • ART 177 - Jewelry and Metal Design III

    5.0 Credits
    Studio course. Continuation of ART 175 and 176 with an emphasis on design and creation of jewelry or small sculptural forms using multiple construction techniques. Focus is on limited edition forms, interchangeable piece construction, and thematic design applications.
    Prerequisite ART 176 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Master techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed jewelry and metal design projects and course assignments.
    2. Masterly generate, consider, and evaluate problems in jewelry and metal design.
    3. Master production of quality work through the application of a variety of jewelry and metal design techniques and media.
    4. Master knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for jewelry and metal design and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Master constructive critiques of jewelry and metal design projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Master research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
  • ART 180 - Sculpture

    5.0 Credits
    Studio course. Creating sculptures through exploring and applying principles of three-dimensional design. A variety of media incorporated, including some or all of the following: clay, casting, wood, and stone.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed sculpture projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in sculpture.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of sculpture techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for sculpture and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of sculpture projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
  • ART 181 - Ceramic Sculpture: CD

    5.0 Credits
    Three dimensional (3D) expression using clay for modeling and construction. Includes staining, glazing, and firing of student projects. Projects explore elements of design and 3D composition. Influences and contribution of various cultures explored.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed ceramic sculpture projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in ceramic sculpture.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of ceramic sculpture techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for ceramic sculpture and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of ceramic sculpture projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of art for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
    7. Apply knowledge, awareness, and/or skills to identify and analyze issues related to diversity.
  • ART 188 - Instructional Assistant in Art

    1.0 to 5.0 Credits
    For students with experience or skills in art activity who wish to assist instruction.
    Prerequisite Instructor permission and Department Head permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Express their experiences in teaching art by assisting with preparations and demonstrations.
  • ART 198 - Individual Projects in Art

    1.0 to 5.0 Credits
    Study of student-selected project or approved experiences in the field of art.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Produce work through independent exploration and expression on a focused area of interest or need.
    2. Develop specific concepts or materials relevant to art.
    3. Create a comprehensive activity which supplements the existing art courses.
    4. Demonstrate capability in the development, implementation and completion of a total project adhering to established procedures and due dates.
  • ART 199 - Special Projects in Art

    5.0 Credits
    Credit available with approval. For information contact the division secretary at 425.640.1560.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Determine their own objectives in conference with the instructor. The student will then prepare a typewritten set of objectives for the instructor’s records. These objectives will form the basis upon which the student will be graded.
    2. Produce work through the opportunity to use independent exploration and expression in a focused area of need or interest.
    3. Develop specific skills or techniques within the fields of art or photography.
  • ART 225 - Introduction to Graphic Design

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to graphic design and Adobe InDesign for creating effective layouts for print and web.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Effectively apply techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed graphic design projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in graphic design.
    3. Produce quality work through the application of a variety of graphic design techniques and media.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for graphic design and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Give and receive constructive critiques of graphic design projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Demonstrate research skills in the history of design for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
  • ART 226 - Intermediate Graphic Design

    5.0 Credits
    Advance graphic design that incoporates the production process for the research and development of an individual project.
    Prerequisite ART 225 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Reinforce techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed graphic design projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider, and evaluate problems in graphic design.
    3. Reinforce production of quality work through the application of a variety of graphic design techniques and media.
    4. Reinforce knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for graphic design and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Reinforce constructive critiques of graphic design projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Reinforce research skills in the history of graphic design for presentation and using proper documentation of research.
  • ART 255 - Special Topics: Art

    5.0 Credits
    Topics and seminars of interest in Art.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Reinforce techniques and skills of good craftsmanship to completed projects and course assignments.
    2. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in design.
    3. Reinforce production of quality work through the application of a variety of techniques and media.
    4. Reinforce knowledge of basic compositional guidelines and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.
    5. Reinforce constructive critiques of projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.
    6. Reinforce research skills in the history of art for presentation and proper documentation of research.
  • ART 288 - Instructional Assistant in Art

    1.0 to 5.0 Credits
    Advanced special teaching projects in art. For students with experience or skills in art area instruction who wish to assist instruction.
    Prerequisite Instructor permission and Department Head permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Express their experiences in teaching art by assisting with preparations and demonstrations.
  • ART 298 - Individual Projects in Art

    1.0 to 5.0 Credits
    Study of student-selected project or approved experiences in the field of art.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Produce work through independent exploration and expression on a focused area of interest or need.
    2. Develop specific concepts or materials relevant to art.
    3. Create a comprehensive activity which supplements the existing art courses.
    4. Demonstrate capability in the development, implementation and completion of a total project adhering to established procedures and due dates.
  • ART 299 - Special Projects in Art

    5.0 Credits
    Credit available with approval. For information contact the division secretary at 425.640.1560.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Determine their own objectives in conference with the instructor. The student will then prepare a typewritten set of objectives for the instructor’s records. These objectives will form the basis upon which the student will be graded.
    2. Produce work through the opportunity to use independent exploration and expression in a focused area of need or interest.
    3. Develop specific skills or techniques within the fields of art or photography.


  • ASTR& 110 - The Solar System w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    A study of the solar system; light and optics; telescopes; history and development of astronomy. Night observing sessions are a required part of the lab. S/U grade option.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101 and MATH 087.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of general scientific principles, with an emphasis on the fundamental astrophysical principles that govern the solar system and universe. These include the principles underlying physical theories and processes of scientific discovery, and the nature of scientific evidence upon which contemporary astronomical theories are based.
    2. Describe the contributions of different cultures to Western scientific thought in astronomy.
    3. Analyze physical systems, solve problems, and answer questions using mathematics appropriate to astronomy and performing calculations appropriate to the task.
    4. Clearly communicate fundamental knowledge particular to astronomy with their peers using appropriate vocabulary.
  • ASTR 120 - Stars and Galaxies

    5.0 Credits
    Second course in astronomy focusing on stars, galaxies, and the universe. Looks at stellar configurations, stellar evolution from nebulae to black holes, galactic structure, evolution and cosmology. S/U grade option.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101 and MATH 087.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of general scientific principles, with an emphasis on the fundamental astrophysical principles that govern the stars, galaxy, and universe. These include the principles underlying physical theories and processes of scientific discovery, and the nature of scientific evidence upon which contemporary astronomical theories are based.
    2. Describe the contributions of different cultures to western scientific thought in astronomy.
    3. Analyze physical systems, solve problems, and answer questions using mathematics appropriate to astronomy and performing calculations appropriate to the task.
    4. Clearly communicate fundamental knowledge particular to astronomy with their peers using appropriate vocabulary.
  • ASTR 199 - Special Projects in Astronomy

    5.0 Credits
    Individual projects in astronomy.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Complete an independent project (research or expression) on a focused area of interest or need, either individually or as a member of a research team.
    2. Develop specific concepts or materials relevant to the project topic.
    3. Develop, with guidance, a comprehensive approach or activity which supplements the learning in a particular course or program of study.
    4. Develop, implement, and complete a total project adhering to established or innovative procedures and due dates.
    5. Read, evaluate, and interpret physical concepts and findings in general, technical, and research literature.
    6. Demonstrate the ability to construct, articulate, and defend a valid scientific argument and to critique others’ arguments and techniques.
  • ASTR 299 - Special Projects in Astronomy

    5.0 Credits
    Individual projects in astronomy.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Complete an independent project (research or expression) on a focused area of interest or need, either individually or as a member of a research team.
    2. Develop specific concepts or materials relevant to the project topic.
    3. Develop, with guidance, a comprehensive approach or activity which supplements the learning in a particular course or program of study.
    4. Develop, implement, and complete a total project adhering to established or innovative procedures and due dates.
    5. Read, evaluate, and interpret physical concepts and findings in general, technical, and research literature.
    6. Demonstrate the ability to construct, articulate, and defend a valid scientific argument and to critique others’ arguments and techniques.


  • BIOL 050 - Issues in Human Biology

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    A study of current issues in human biology, focusing on several human life processes, such as mobility, digestion, respiration, circulation, nervous system integration, and reproduction. Dysfunction and disease are explored. Counts toward high school Lab Science or Health credit.
    Prerequisite Departmental advising required.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Organize homework and lab information and effectively describe the lab work in writing.
    2. Apply new science terminology in both discussion and writing.
    3. Compare and contrast the specialized structural and functional systems that regulate human growth and development and that maintain health.
    4. Recognize and describe essential components and processes involved in human structure, mobility, digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, and nervous system integration.
    5. Propose ideas, solutions and analyze information while working in a small group setting.
    6. Discuss readings, lab work and outside research within the classroom environment.
  • BIOL& 100 - Survey of Biology w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    An introductory class for nonscience majors, which includes an introduction to major biological principles and scientific processes. Emphasis will be on the application of modern biological knowledge in society in a way that is informative and exciting.
    Prerequisite Placement in both ENGL& 101 and MATH 087.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process and methodology of science. These include the principles underlying the theories and processes underlying scientific discovery and the nature of scientific evidence upon which such contemporary scientific theories are based.
    2. Describe, identify, and explain, with examples, important concepts of biology, such as evolution, the biological transformation of matter and energy, the mechanisms of the replication and utilization of inherited information, the interaction of life with its environment, and the relationship between biological structure and function, etc.
    3. Articulate the importance of biology to their lives by applying the concepts and information of biology to problems that affect their lives, in particular, and our society, in general.
    4. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data.
    5. Correctly and safely use and care for appropriate tools and equipment.
    6. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    7. Effectively communicate biological knowledge and understanding using a variety of methods.
  • BIOL 105 - Western Washington Ecology w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    Explore the ecology of Pacific Northwest terrestrial and/or wetland ecosystems and human impacts on them, while learning about common animals, plants, and fungi. Focus on field trips to local ecosystems, possibly including distant trips such as NW Trek and Mt. Rainier. For non-science majors.
    Prerequisite Placement in both ENGL& 101 and MATH 087.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the biological principles that apply to Pacific Northwest terrestrial ecosystems. These principles include, among others, ecosystem structure and function, succession, the roles climate and topography play in the distribution of organisms and of ecosystems, adaptation, and evolution.
    2. Identify the major plants, animals, and other organisms that live in Western Washington, and describe their basic natural history.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the impacts that humans have on Western Washington ecosystems through their personal and political choices.
    4. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process and methodology of science, especially as it relates to the study of terrestrial ecosystems in the field. These include the principles underlying the theories and processes underlying scientific discovery and the nature of scientific evidence upon which such contemporary scientific theories are based.
    5. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data, including sketching observations and using graphs.
    6. Correctly and safely use and care for tools and equipment appropriate for the study of terrestrial systems.
    7. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    8. Effectively communicate biological knowledge and understanding using a variety of methods.
  • BIOL 106 - Marine Biology w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    Explore the ecology of different marine ecosystems and human impacts on them, and learn about common marine inhabitants of the Pacific Northwest. Labs include field trips to local beaches; some labs may be replaced by a field trip to a marine lab and/or research vessel. For non-science majors.
    Prerequisite Placement in both ENGL& 101 and MATH 087.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the biological principles that apply to Pacific Northwest marine ecosystems. These principles include, among others, biological classification, ecosystem structure and function, adaptation, and evolution.
    2. Identify the major organisms that live in our state’s marine waters and describe their basic natural history.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the impacts that humans have on Western Washington marine ecosystems through their personal and political choices.
    4. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process and methodology of science, especially as it relates to the study of marine systems in the field and the lab. These include the principles underlying the theories and processes underlying scientific discovery and the nature of scientific evidence upon which such contemporary scientific theories are based.
    5. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data, including sketching observations and using graphs.
    6. Correctly and safely use and care for tools and equipment appropriate for the study of marine systems.
    7. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    8. Effectively communicate biological knowledge and understanding using a variety of methods.
  • BIOL 155 - Special Topics: Biology

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    Topics and seminars of current interest in Biology.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Communicate and explain, using appropriate language of Biology, about topics of current interest in Biology.
  • BIOL& 175 - Human Biology w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    Introductory course for the non-science major. Topics emphasize how the human body normally functions, ways infectious disease and genetic disorders interfere with human health, and how the human population can live more in balance with global environmental system.
    Prerequisite Placement in both ENGL& 101 and MATH 087.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process and methodology of science, especially as it relates to the study of human biology and use the scientific method as a means of problem solving.
    2. Describe, identify, and explain, with examples, important biological concepts, such as homeostasis, the relationship between biological structure and function, cell theory, the biological transformation of matter and energy, the mechanisms of the replication and utilization of inherited information and evolution.
    3. Explain how homeostatic systems work to maintain human health and fail to work in specific diseases and disorders.
    4. Understand the basic structure of the human body and explain how several organ systems function.
    5. Apply the concepts and information of human biology to problems that affect their lives, in particular, and our society, in general. Assess, for example, risk behaviors that may reduce either the quality or length of life.
    6. Explain how human existence is dependent upon natural processes occurring in the biosphere and to identify human activities that adversely impact these life support systems.
    7. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data.
    8. Properly and safely use a variety of laboratory techniques and instruments.
    9. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    10. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of human biology.
    11. Demonstrate information literacy: understand and critically evaluate material (journal articles, websites, news articles, and other media sources of information) related to human biology.
  • BIOL 210 - Problem Solving for Majors Cellular Biology

    1.0 Credits
    Designed to improve student success in BIOL& 211. Provides practice solving problems with improved overall understanding of principles. S/U grade only. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Corequisite Concurrent enrollment in BIOL& 211.

    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Appropriately use a vocabulary of biological terms, which will enable communication about biology, and analysis and explanation of biological phenomena.
    2. Interpret, analyze, and graph data, use equations and perform calculations in practice problem sets, and BIOL& 211 related laboratory examples.
    3. Work in small groups to develop the skills necessary to solve complicated biological problems such as working in a stepwise manner through various types of genetics problems or problems related to pH.
    4. Assess which levels of analysis are most appropriate for approaching a particular biological problem.
    5. Discuss and describe principles of biology taught in BIOL& 211 in a small group environment.
    6. Communicate (both in writing and orally) their understanding of the various biological concepts taught in BIOL& 211.
  • BIOL& 211 - Majors Cellular w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    Part of three-quarter series (211, 212, 213). Introduction to molecular and cellular biology with emphasis on cellular structure and function, energetics, genetics, and evolution. For life science majors, nursing, and pre-professional students. Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 210 is highly recommended.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate understanding of the nature of science and be able to use the scientific method when performing laboratory experiments.
    2. Describe, identify, and explain, with examples, the important concepts of molecular and cellular biology, and integrate them across levels of biological organization.
    3. Collect valid data, report data (using equations, graphs, charts and tables), critically analyze data and make conclusions based upon the experimental results.
    4. Explain the mechanisms of evolution, critically evaluate evidence for evolution, and describe the importance of evolution in biology.
    5. Apply their understanding of chemistry to biology in explaining cellular structure, enzyme function, metabolic pathways, genetics, protein synthesis, cell signaling, and other concepts in molecular and cellular biology.
    6. Describe cell theory and use their knowledge of cell parts to explain the complex functions of cells.
    7. Describe, compare, and contrast the two mechanisms of nuclear division (mitosis and meiosis) and explain the biological importance of both and their relationship to DNA synthesis.
    8. Explain the basics and basis of genetics and solve and explain typical introductory genetics problems (both Mendelian and non-Mendelian).
    9. Explain how genes, proteins, and phenotypes (traits) are related and describe the processes of protein synthesis and gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
    10. Apply the concept of structure and function across levels of biological organization.
    11. Describe and apply biotechnology tools and techniques including PCR, gel electrophoresis, restriction enzymes, bacterial transformation, and others.
    12. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of molecular and cellular biology.
    13. Appropriately select and properly and safely use a variety of laboratory techniques and instruments.
    14. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    15. Apply biological knowledge to important personal, social, and political issues.
    16. Demonstrate information literacy: determine the extent of information needed and incorporate the information effectively and ethically into scientific writing.
  • BIOL& 212 - Majors Animal w/Lab

    6.0 Credits
    Part of three-quarter series (211, 212, 213). An introduction to the patterns and mechanisms of evolution, and animal (invertebrate and vertebrate) diversity, development, anatomy, and physiology. A course for life-science majors and pre-professionals.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, BIOL& 211, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process and methodology of science, especially as it relates to the study of evolution, population genetics, animal phylogeny, physiology, and development.
    2. Describe, identify, and explain, with examples, the important concepts of biology that apply to evolutionary biology, population genetics, animal phylogeny, physiology, and development.
    3. Describe, compare and contrast major animal phyla with respect to structure and function of the major organ systems (using anatomical, physiological, and evolutionary perspectives).
    4. Integrate across levels of biological organization to explain particular evolutionary processes, animal morphology, and animal physiology.
    5. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of evolutionary biology, developmental biology, zoology, and animal physiology.
    6. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data, including basic statistical testing.
    7. Appropriately select and properly and safely use a variety of laboratory techniques and instruments, including observation and critical examination of microscopic of animal cells, tissues and organs, and the basic principles of dissection of animal tissues and organs.
    8. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    9. Demonstrate information literacy: determine the extent of information needed, access information legally and efficiently, evaluate sources critically, and incorporate the information effectively and ethically into scientific writing.
  • BIOL& 213 - Majors Plant w/Lab

    6.0 Credits
    Part of three-quarter biology series (211, 212, 213). An introduction to ecology and the biology of plants, algae, prokaryotes, protists, and fungi with emphasis on structure, anatomy, physiology, reproduction, development, and evolutionary trends of land plants.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, BIOL& 211, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process, and methodology of science, especially as it relates to the study of prokaryote, fungal, and plant evolution, diversity and biology, and to ecology. These include the principles underlying the theories and processes underlying scientific discovery and the nature of scientific evidence upon which such contemporary scientific theories are based.
    2. Describe, identify, and explain, with examples, important concepts of biology that apply to ecology and the evolution, structure and physiology of prokaryotes, fungi, and plants.
    3. Integrate across levels of biological organization to explain ecological structure and the structure and function of prokaryotes, fungi, and plants.
    4. Apply ecological and biological concepts in this course to regional, national, and/or global issues that may affect their lives in particular, and society in general.
    5. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of biology.
    6. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data, including basic statistical testing.
    7. Appropriately select and properly and safely use a variety of field and laboratory techniques and instruments.
    8. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    9. Demonstrate information literacy: determine the extent of information needed, access information legally and efficiently, evaluate sources critically, and incorporate the information effectively and ethically into scientific writing.
  • BIOL& 241 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    First in a two-quarter sequence (241, 242). The structure and function of cells and tissues of the human body and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, sensory, and nervous systems. A course for science, nursing, and pre-professional students. Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 251 is highly recommended.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, BIOL& 211, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process, and methodology of science, especially as it relates to the study of histology and human anatomy and physiology of the integumentary, muscular, nervous, and sensory systems.
    2. Apply important concepts of physiology to the integumentary, muscular, nervous, and sensory systems, including homeostasis (and negative feedback), cell theory, cell-cell communications, flow down gradients, structure-function relationships and interdependence, to explain specific physiological processes.
    3. Apply conceptual understanding of human anatomy and physiology to explain the mechanisms of specific skin, muscular, neural, and sensory diseases, and disorders and repair processes.
    4. Integrate across levels of biological organization to explain particular human anatomy and physiology.
    5. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of human anatomy and physiology, including correctly spelling and using anatomical, chemical, and physiological terms.
    6. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data, including basic statistical testing.
    7. Appropriately select and properly and safely use a variety of laboratory techniques and instruments, including observation and critical examination of microscopic of mammalian cells, fibers, and tissues the basic principles of dissection of mammalian tissues and organs.
    8. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    9. Demonstrate information literacy: determine the extent of information needed, access information legally and efficiently, evaluate sources critically, and incorporate the information effectively and ethically into scientific writing.
    10. Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to important personal, public, and global health issues.
  • BIOL& 242 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    Second in a two-quarter sequence (241, 242). The structure and function of the endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, blood, lymphatic, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. A course for science, nursing, and pre-professional students. Three hours lecture and four hours lab, weekly. Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 252 is highly recommended.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, BIOL& 211, BIOL& 241, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a critical and basic understanding of the nature, process and methodology of science, especially as it relates to the study of histology and human anatomy and physiology of the endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.
    2. Apply important concepts of physiology to the endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems, including homeostasis (and negative feedback), cell theory, cell-cell communications, flow down gradients, structure-function relationships and interdependence, to explain specific physiological processes.
    3. Apply conceptual understanding of human anatomy and physiology to explain the mechanisms of specific endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, urinary, and reproductive diseases and disorders, and repair processes.
    4. Integrate across levels of biological organization to explain particular human anatomy and physiology.
    5. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of human anatomy and physiology, including correctly spelling and using anatomical, chemical, and physiological terms.
    6. Correctly and appropriately collect and analyze data, including basic statistical testing.
    7. Appropriately select and properly and safely use a variety of laboratory techniques and instruments, including observation and critical examination of microscopic of mammalian cells, fibers, and tissues the basic principles of dissection of mammalian tissues and organs.
    8. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
    9. Demonstrate information literacy: determine the extent of information needed, access information legally and efficiently, evaluate sources critically, and incorporate the information effectively and ethically into scientific writing.
    10. Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to important personal, public, and global health issues.
  • BIOL 251 - Problem Solving Human Anatomy and Physiology 1

    1.0 Credits
    Designed to improve student success in BIOL& 241. Provides practice solving problems with improved overall understanding of principles.
    Corequisite BIOL& 241.

    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Appropriately use a vocabulary of biological terms, which will enable communication about biology, and analysis and explanation of biological phenomena.
    2. Interpret, analyze, and graph data, use equations and perform calculations in practice problem sets and BIOL& 241 related laboratory examples.
    3. Develop the skills necessary to solve complicated biological problems related to anatomy and physiology.
    4. Assess which levels of analysis are most appropriate for approaching a particular biological problem.
    5. Discuss and describe principles of biology taught in BIOL& 241.
    6. Communicate (both in writing and orally) understanding of the various biological concepts taught in BIOL& 241.
  • BIOL 252 - Problem Solving Human Anatomy and Physiology 2

    1.0 Credits
    Designed to improve student success in BIOL& 242. Provides practice solving problems with improved overall understanding of principles. S/U grade option.
    Corequisite BIOL& 242.

    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Appropriately use a vocabulary of biological terms, which will enable communication about biology, and analysis and explanation of biological phenomena.
    2. Interpret, analyze, and graph data, use equations and perform calculations in practice problem sets and BIOL& 242 related laboratory examples.
    3. Develop the skills necessary to solve complicated biological problems related to anatomy and physiology.
    4. Assess which levels of analysis are most appropriate for approaching a particular biological problem.
    5. Discuss and describe principles of biology taught in BIOL& 242.
    6. Communicate (both in writing and orally) understanding of the various biological concepts taught in BIOL& 242.
  • BIOL 255 - Special Topics: Biology

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    Topics and seminars of current interest in Biology. S/U grade option.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Communicate and explain, using appropriate language of Biology, about topics of current interest in Biology.
  • BIOL& 260 - Microbiology w/Lab

    5.0 Credits
    An introduction to microorganisms for science, nursing, and pre-professional students. Topics include microscopy, microbial cell structure, function, growth, metabolism and genetics, biotechnology, virology, epidemiology, antimicrobials, host-microbe interactions, and immunology. Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 261 is highly recommended.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, BIOL& 211, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Apply understanding of cellular and molecular biology, genetics, metabolism, and evolution from previous course(s) (e.g., BIOL& 211) to the microbial world. This includes comparing and contrasting prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structures, metabolism, genetics, and reproduction, and describing the importance of microbial evolution.
    2. Describe the ubiquity and diversity of microorganisms and relate both to the critical roles they play in global processes and to all life.
    3. Explain the impact, both positive and negative, of microorganisms on human health.
    4. Discuss the interplay of microbial mechanisms of pathogenesis and the human immune system in an evolutionary context.
    5. Articulate processes of microbial growth, and relate these to human methods of control.
    6. Demonstrate proficiency in techniques important to the study, cultivation, and classification of microorganisms, including aseptic technique, biochemical tests, and growth assays.
    7. Compare and contrast current and historical understanding of microorganisms.
    8. Articulate the importance of microorganisms to the individual, to human beings, to all life, and to global processes.
    9. Apply knowledge of microbiology to important personal, health, social, and political issues.
    10. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of biology.
    11. Productively work in groups to successfully complete group activities and assignments.
  • BIOL 261 - Problem Solving in Microbiology

    1.0 Credits
    Designed to improve student success in BIOL& 260. Provides practice solving problems with improved overall understanding of principles.
    Corequisite BIOL& 260.

    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Appropriately use a vocabulary of biological terms, which will enable communication about biology, and analysis and explanation of biological phenomena.
    2. Interpret, analyze, and graph data, use equations and perform calculations in practice problem sets and BIOL& 260 related laboratory examples.
    3. Develop the skills necessary to solve complicated biological problems related to microbiology.
    4. Assess which levels of analysis are most appropriate for approaching a particular biological problem.
    5. Discuss and describe principles of microbiology taught in BIOL& 260.
    6. Communicate (both in writing and orally) understanding of the various biological concepts taught in BIOL& 260.
  • BIOL 293 - Undergraduate Research in Biology

    3.0 Credits
    Collaborate to design, develop, and undertake a student-driven research project under the guidance of a faculty member. S/U grade option.
    Prerequisite ENGL& 101, MATH 087, BIOL& 211, and CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161, all with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate understanding of the nature of science and be able to use the scientific method when performing laboratory experiments.
    2. Collect valid data, report data, critically analyze data, and make conclusions based upon the experimental results.
    3. Productively work in groups to successfully plan, design, and undertake a research project.
    4. Appropriately select and properly and safely use a variety of laboratory techniques and instruments.
    5. Communicate effectively using language and understanding of biology.
    6. Demonstrate information literacy: determine the extent of information needed and incorporate the information effectively and ethically into an appropriate method of dissemination (e.g., scientific writing, poster presentation, oral presentation).


  • BUS 155 - Special Topics: Business

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    Seminars of current interest in business. S/U grade option.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Explore areas of current interest to the business students.
  • BUS 255 - Special Topics Business

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    Seminars of current interest in business. S/U grade option.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Explore areas of current interest to the business students.

Business Information Technology

  • BSTEC 100 - Computer Keyboarding

    3.0 Credits
    Introduction to computer keyboarding with touch-typing speed and accuracy development. Use of a PC and internet access is required for this course. S/U grade option.
    Prerequisite Placement in AENGL 090 or ENGLP 090 is required. Computer experience or concurrent enrollment in BSTEC 129.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to type letters, numbers, and symbol keys by touch.
    2. Demonstrate proper typing techniques and ergonomic body positioning through self-evaluation and improvement.
    3. Demonstrate improved touch-typing speed and accuracy.
    4. Demonstrate a basic touch-typing proficiency speed of 20 words per minute (wpm) with five or fewer errors.
  • BSTEC 104 - Medical Terminology

    3.0 Credits
    Study of basic word elements (prefixes, suffixes, and word roots); select terms and plural forms related to anatomy, physiology, symptoms, diagnoses, procedures, abbreviations, symbols, and eponyms; emphasis on accurate spelling, pronunciation, definition, and usage.
    Prerequisite Placement in AENGL 093 or ENGLP 093 or equivalent.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Analyze and construct medical terms from memorized word parts (suffixes, prefixes, roots, and combining forms).
    2. Identify select abbreviations, symbols, and eponyms.
    3. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate medical terms used in medical reports.
    4. Identify select diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and describe diagnoses for which they are performed.
    5. Demonstrate knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology and related terms.
    6. Spell, pronounce, define, and apply terms relevant to each lesson.
  • BSTEC 106 - Medical Billing

    5.0 Credits
    Overview of health insurance terminology, plans, claims, billing forms, and payment systems; revenue cycles and reimbursement methodologies for professional services; and legal and ethical guidelines related to a medical practice.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 104; BSTEC 129 or BSTEC 130. Placement in MATH 077.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify processes and form conclusions related to U.S. health insurance plans and government sponsored health benefit programs.
    2. Identify and evaluate employment opportunities and continuing education expectations in the medical billing field.
    3. Synthesize written and oral conclusions about health insurance terminology, plans, claims, forms, and payment systems.
    4. Identify and list the primary medical payer groups and resources.
    5. Evaluate and apply principles of financial reimbursement, monitoring, and reporting.
    6. Identify and apply medical practice legal and ethical guidelines and terminology.
    7. Identify health information laws, regulations, and governing bodies.
    8. Identify and apply concepts of confidentiality, privacy, and security policies, procedures, and monitoring.
    9. Access professional associations and evaluate their importance in health care billing.
  • BSTEC 107 - Business English

    3.0 Credits
    Review parts of speech, sentence structure, subject/verb agreement, punctuation, capitalization, number usage, and language usage in professional business writing.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify sentence patterns, types, and faults.
    2. Identify parts of speech.
    3. Use plural and possessive nouns correctly.
    4. Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns correctly.
    5. Use verb tenses and voices correctly and achieve subject-verb agreement.
    6. Use modifiers (primarily, adjectives, and adverbs) correctly.
    7. Use correct punctuation and capitalization.
  • BSTEC 108 - Business Presentations

    3.0 Credits
    Introduction to oral presentation techniques used in all sectors of the business community to convey a variety of information to professional audiences. Includes guidelines for the use of PowerPoint slides as a presentation tool.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Analyze the targeted audience and select an appropriate delivery approach to match the audience.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to select appropriate resources related to specific report topics and apply the information to the various oral presentation projects.
    3. Identify and incorporate statistical data, graphs, maps, and charts to support oral presentations.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to select and use appropriate technology tools to create visual aids as support for a variety of oral presentations.
    5. Deliver individual and group oral presentations that are appropriate to the targeted audience.
    6. Demonstrate group interaction skills in a collaborative assignment.
  • BSTEC 109 - Word Processing (Word)

    5.0 Credits
    Word processing functions and applications using Microsoft Word. Opportunity to earn MIcrosoft Office Specialist Certification included in coursework.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 130 or equivalent.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Create, format, and manage documents.
    2. Create bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines.
    3. Save documents in appropriate formats for different uses.
    4. Create custom styles for text, tables, and lists.
    5. Merge letters with other data sources.
    6. Demonstrate understanding of terms and concepts associated with word processing.
  • BSTEC 110 - Business Communications:CD

    5.0 Credits
    Memos, letters, reports, and oral presentations using business style and strategy. Revision of writing, group interaction, and diversity are emphasized, as well as written and oral communication.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 107 and 130 recommended.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Use verbal and nonverbal language that demonstrates sensitivity to and understanding of differences in a multicultural setting.
    2. Write clear, organized, short informational reports using correct format and report writing principles.
    3. Prepare and present clear, concise, well developed written communications in standard English with correct punctuation and spelling, using business-appropriate word processing formats and styles.
    4. Plan and professionally deliver effective oral presentations appropriate to the audience.
    5. Participate in, and contribute personal perspectives to, discussions involving diversity.
    6. Demonstrate, through peer editing and group discussion, interpersonal skills that positively enhance relationships in a diverse business environment.
  • BSTEC 112 - Medical Document Processing

    2.0 Credits
    Techniques and skills necessary for processing medical documents in a health care facility. S/U grade option. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 104 and BSTEC 109.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to format and prepare accurately typed health record text containing numbers, symbols, and abbreviations.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use reference materials to select proper punctuation needed in unfamiliar copy.
    3. Demonstrate the ability to accurately capitalize words from copy prepared in lowercase.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to accurately retype a proofed, corrected health care document.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to identify and apply medical terms that have two or more spellings.
  • BSTEC 115 - Medical Law and Ethics

    3.0 Credits
    Introduction to legal, moral, and ethical issues in health care professions; legal terminology; federal and state legislation; privacy, security and confidentiality; release of information; HIPAA, OSHA, WISHA and CDC regulations.
    Prerequisite AENGL 093 or ENGLP 093.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Explain the general process of creating, amending, and enforcing laws.
    2. Compare and contrast the concepts of law, ethics, and morals.
    3. Identify the differences between licensure, certification, and registration, and describe which medical office professions require such endorsements.
    4. Review the key points of the Washington State Medical Practice Act, and describe what actions could result in the loss or suspension of the license to practice medicine in Washington state.
    5. Explain the basic HIPAA standards in regard to patient confidentiality and the right to privacy, and state the minimum fine for breaking such standards.
    6. Recall and analyze strategies of medical office risk management, and explain how they can minimize negative legal action against a medical practice.
    7. Compare and contrast tort law, civil law, and criminal law, and give examples of each.
    8. Research and analyze workplace and employment laws that directly affect medical practices.
  • BSTEC 116 - Pathophysiology/Advanced Medical Terminology

    3.0 Credits
    Identification of common symptoms, causes, and treatments of disease processes in the human body with relation to medical coding. Advanced body system focus includes selected prefixes, suffixes, and word roots; terms and plural forms related to anatomy, physiology, symptoms, diagnoses, procedures, abbreviations, symbols, and eponyms; and emphasis on accurate spelling, pronunciation, definition, and usage.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 104 or instructor permission and AHE 110 or concurrent enrollment.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify common disease processes with symptoms, causes, and treatments by body system.
    2. Relate common disease processes and diagnoses for the purpose of medical coding.
    3. Analyze and construct medical terms after reviewing and memorizing word elements (suffixes, prefixes, roots, and combining forms).
    4. Identify and apply correct usage of select abbreviations, symbols, and eponyms in medical reports.
    5. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate medical terms used in medical reports.
    6. Identify and define standard diagnostic and therapeutic procedures related to pathology and clinical applications of each body system, and describe diagnoses for which they are performed.
    7. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate anatomy and physiology terms related to each body system.
    8. Demonstrate proficient use of a medical dictionary.
    9. Demonstrate effective health care communication through correct spelling, pronunciation, definition, and application of medical terms.
  • BSTEC 118 - Medical Coding 1- ICD-10-CM

    5.0 Credits
    Assignment of medical diagnosis codes using the current publication of International Classification of Diseases 10th edition, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM); outpatient coding related to all major body systems with emphasis on correct code sequencing and impact on reimbursement. 
    Prerequisite Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: AHE 110, BSTEC 104, and BSTEC 153.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify and describe the purpose of the ICD-10-CM code book, reference sections, and coding methodologies.
    2. Identify and apply official outpatient-based ICD-10-CM coding structures, conventions, guidelines, and definitions.
    3. Translate clinical documentation into ICD-10-CM codes using case studies related to all body systems.
    4. Identify, describe, and demonstrate the correct steps of code assignment using the separate sections of ICD-10-CM.
    5. Identify and apply Coding Clinic® for ICD-10-CM diagnosis sequencing guidelines for published American Hospital Association (AHA) diagnosis codes.
    6. Identify, describe, and use standard medical coding reference materials.
    7. Audit clinical documentation and coding accuracy and resolve discrepancies between coded data and supporting documentation.
    8. Identify and apply health information confidentiality and privacy policies and procedures.
    9. Describe and discuss the use and application of automated coding software systems.
    10. Identify and evaluate the importance of industry-specific professional associations and associated medical coding certifications.
  • BSTEC 120 - Ten Key with Math Applications

    5.0 Credits
    Apply electronic ten key calculator functions to solve business math problems. Operate a computer ten key keypad by touch for speed and accuracy. S/U grade option.
    Prerequisite Minimum placement into AENGL 093 or ENGLP 093 and MATH 077.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Solve business application problems using the constant, continuous, accumulative, and mixed operations functions of the ten-key calculator.
    2. Solve equations for percentage, rate, and base in word problems.
    3. Calculate percents of increase/decrease, trade discounts, markdown, markup, payroll, and simple interest.
    4. Apply the quantitative ten-key calculator functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Estimate answers and round answers to different place value positions.
    5. Convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions; convert decimals to percents and percents to decimals.
    6. Perform timings at a minimum speed of 9,000 strokes per hour with 97 percent accuracy for designated intervals using the computer ten-key, while using correct keystroking technique.
  • BSTEC 127 - Ten-Key Skill Building

    2.0 Credits
    Improve speed and accuracy using the computer ten-key pad. S/U grade option. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available. 
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate an increased speed of at least 3,000 strokes per hour with accuracy of 97 percent or above.
    2. Demonstrate ability to enter numeric data by touch. 
    3. Demonstrate ability to enter data from documents at 97 percent accuracy.
  • BSTEC 129 - PC Basics

    3.0 Credits
    For the computer beginner. Basic word processing, spreadsheet, and computer concepts. No previous computer experience required. S/U grade option.
    Prerequisite Placement in AENGL 093 or ENGLP 093.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate basic file management skills using Windows operating system.
    2. Create, format, and edit basic word processing documents.
    3. Enter information and basic formulas to a spreadsheet.
    4. Connect to the internet and perform a simple information search.
    5. Identify and define basic computer hardware and software terms.
    6. Send and receive email.
  • BSTEC 130 - Computer Fundamentals

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to computer concepts, applications, HTML, and the Internet using Windows and Microsoft Office including Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint. S/U grade option.
    Prerequisite Recommend placement into AENGL 093 or ENGLP 093 or equivalent.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Recognize and identify basic concepts and terminology of introductory-level business computing technology.
    2. Describe the various components within information systems and identify their functions.
    3. Demonstrate entry-level proficiency in using microcomputer applications including spreadsheets, database, word processing, HTML, and presentation software.
    4. Observe, analyze, synthesize, apply, and evaluate information related to computer technology.
  • BSTEC 134 - Microsoft OneNote

    2.0 Credits
    Fundamentals of Microsoft OneNote. Create, organize, format, and share OneNote notebooks. S/U grade option. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Apply program features to properly create and manage notebooks.
    2. Demonstrate ability to follow step-by-step instructions to format and add multimedia content to notebooks.
    3. Demonstrate ability to access resources and services to apply additional features in the program.
  • BSTEC 138 - Travel Management

    1.0 Credits
    An overview of travel planning for business professionals, including airline, hotel, transportation, and preferred supplier reservations. S/U grade option. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available. 
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate, by completion of scenarios and quizzes, the ability to create and manage airline, hotel, and transportation reservations for the business professional.
    2. Demonstrate, by completion of quizzes, the ability to work with preferred suppliers and contracted vendors.
  • BSTEC 153 - Pharmacology

    2.0 Credits
    Emphasizes clinical applications of pharmacology in treatment of disease. Includes drug classifications, dosages, and effects; administration routes, methods, and documentation; terminology and prescription abbreviations; measurements and dosage; and reference books.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 104 or concurrent enrollment.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Define basic pharmacology terminology.
    2. Analyze the connection of pharmacology terminology and the job of medical office worker.
    3. Differentiate among the three main drug forms and routes of entry, and provide the strength and weakness of each form and route.
    4. Recognize and interpret basic prescription abbreviations, chart notes, and punctuation rules used in documenting prescriptions.
    5. Compare the five types of general pain relievers, and explain how they different in administration, effectiveness, and potential addiction characteristics.
    6. Identify the role major drug regulating agencies and organizations play in current technology, regulations, medication changes, and enforcement issues.
  • BSTEC 155 - Special Topics: Business Information Tech

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    Seminars and classes of current interest in Business Information Technology. S/U grade option.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate proficiency in skills and knowledge in the area/topic of business content selected by the instructor. The business area/topic varies and is assessed and supervised by an instructor.
  • BSTEC 198 - Individual Project in Business Information Tech

    Maximum of 5.0 possible Credits
    Special courses and topics may be designed for students’ individual programs in Business Information Technology. S/U grade only. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.
    Prerequisite Lab instructor permission.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate proficiency in skills/knowledge of the business topic selected by the instructor. The area/topic varies and is assessed and supervised by an instructor.
  • BSTEC 199 - Special Projects: Business Information Tech

    1.0 to 5.0 Credits
    Individual projects in Business Information Technology and related topics by arrangement and permission of the instructor. S/U grade option. Note: Credit available with approval.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate proficiency in skills/knowledge of the business topic selected by the instructor. The area/topic varies and is assessed and supervised by an instructor.
  • BSTEC 200 - Keyboard Skill Building

    3.0 Credits
    Intensive accuracy and speed building to improve keyboarding skill. S/U grade option. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 100 or instructor permission; placement in AENGL 093 or ENGLP 093.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate increased touch-typing speed and accuracy.
    2. Demonstrate proper typing techniques and ergonomic body positioning through self-evaluaion and improvement.
    3. Use appropriate word processing commands to produce Microsoft Word documents.
    4. Demonstrate basic proofreading, punctuation, spelling, and grammar skills.
  • BSTEC 206 - Electronic Health Records

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to the electronic health record in various health care settings; structure, content, uses, and basic processing procedures for health records in acute and ambulatory care settings with emphasis on electronic health records (EHR) and practice management applications.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 104; BSTEC 129, BSTEC 130, or CIS 100.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Identify various types of health care delivery systems, settings, providers, and allied health professionals in the United States.
    2. Differentiate between licensure, certification, and accreditation.
    3. Identify the functions of the Health Information Management (HIM) Department within the health care facility.
    4. Describe the role of health records in medical coding and billing.
    5. Identify and evaluate health record data sources and collection tools.
    6. Identify and describe the content, structure, use, storage, retrieval, and destruction of health information.
    7. Identify, define, and apply health data vocabulary.
    8. Describe the importance of data quality, integrity, monitoring, and compliance reporting.
    9. Identify and define terms and functions of the master patient index (MPI) and the patient registry.
    10. Identify regulatory guidelines, including confidentiality and release of information (ROI).
    11. Describe the evolution of the electronic health record (EHR) and the personal health record (PHR).
    12. Abstract data from collection tools and accurately enter it into EHR and practice management software.
    13. Demonstrate the ability to use the practice management software to create and edit correspondence, reporting forms, and appointments.
  • BSTEC 207 - Certification Exams

    1.0 Credits

    Certification opportunities for the following exams: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA), Quickbooks, and Adobe Certified Associate (ACA). Study guides and practice exams provided. Students must take certification exam on campus. Credit is given regardless of exam score. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.

    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)

    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Apply knowledge of software and/or operating systems on industry certification exams.

  • BSTEC 209 - Desktop Publishing

    1.0 to 3.0 Credits
    Fundamentals of desktop publishing using Microsoft Publisher. Prior keyboarding and word processing recommended. S/U grade option. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 130 or equivalent.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate the fundamentals of desktop publishing including layout, graphics, manipulation, text editing, and printing.
    2. Define terminology basic to desktop publishing and printing.
    3. Demonstrate the basics of typography: typefaces, units of measurement, letter spacing, and concepts of readability and legibility.
    4. Demonstrate an ability to generate visual and typographical ideas to solve specific communications problems.
  • BSTEC 210 - Microsoft Outlook

    2.0 Credits
    Fundamentals of Microsoft Outlook. Opportunity to earn Microsoft Office Specialist Certification in Outlook. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)

    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Apply program features to properly configure Outlook and manage emails.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to create and edit contacts, manage tasks, and manage calendars.  

  • BSTEC 211 - PowerPoint Projects

    5.0 Credits
    Introduction to essentials of presentation software using Microsoft PowerPoint. Opportunity to earn Microsoft Office Specialist Certification included in coursework.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 130 or equivalent.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate the ability to recognize suitable applications for Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.
    2. Demonstrate the knowledge of the proper method to build a presentation.
    3. Demonstrate the ability to use basic presentation principles.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to design and create an original presentation.
  • BSTEC 213 - Advanced Word Projects

    5.0 Credits
    Comprehensive study of the advanced functions of Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word Expert Certification Exam available upon request.
    Prerequisite Previous Word experience required.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Perform intermediate and advanced functions of the Word 2016 program.
    2. Create a variety of documents using Word 2016.
    3. Demonstrate, through examinations, knowledge of Word 2016 procedures for developing professional documents.
  • BSTEC 218 - Medical Coding 2 - CPT

    5.0 Credits
    Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and HCPCS code assignment for procedure and evaluation and management (E/M) codes; current coding regulations, established guidelines, and validation of coding accuracy using clinical health data are emphasized.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 118.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Describe the purpose of CPT II and III, HCPCS Level II, and modifier codes.
    2. Identify and describe the format, sections, symbols, definitions, and coding methodologies of CPT and HCPCS coding manuals.
    3. Identify, analyze, and apply current code assignment conventions and guidelines to outpatient and physician-based sections of CPT II and III and HCPCS II.
    4. Demonstrate the correct steps of code assignment using the separate sections of CPT and HCPCS coding manuals.
    5. Analyze clinical health record case studies and correctly assign CPT, HCPCS, and modifier codes for physician- and outpatient-based procedures, services, supplies, and durable medical equipment (DME).
    6. Identify and apply key documentation components in the classification and code assignment for Medicine, Emergency and Management (E/M), and Surgical services.
    7. Audit clinical documentation and coding accuracy and resolve discrepancies between coded data and supporting documentation.
    8. Identify, describe, and use standard medical coding reference materials.
    9. Identify and apply health information confidentiality and privacy policies and procedures.
    10. Describe and discuss the use and application of automated coding software systems.
    11. Identify and evaluate the importance of industry-specific professional associations and associated medical coding certifications.
  • BSTEC 222 - Database (Access)

    5.0 Credits
    Basic database functions using Microsoft Access. Opportunity to earn Microsoft Office Specialist Certification included in coursework.
    Prerequisite BSTEC 130 or equivalent.
    Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
    Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Create and copy databases and work with database objects.
    2. Demonstrate understanding of terms and concepts associated with a relational database.
    3. Plan, create, manipulate, and modify tables, forms, queries, and reports.
    4. Create and describe relationships; define referential integrity.

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