2013-2014 Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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AHE 116 - Introduction to Healthcare

4.0 Credits
Explore the health care industry, regulatory systems and essential communication and decision-making skills for health care workers. Introduction to health occupations and educational requirements. Teaches basic skills and terminology common to health occupations.

Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Compare and contrast the various health care careers available to determine which careers are of interest. [REASON]
  2. Discuss factors that should be considered when seeking a health care occupation, such as duties, educational and credentialing requirements, job satisfaction, working environment, and career advancement. [ACT]
  3. Explore the differences and similarities among health care settings, services and providers. [EXPLORE]
  4. Discuss current issues and trends in health care. [EXPLORE]
  5. Identify behaviors and attitudes consistent with those of successful health care professionals. [ACT]
  6. Discuss interpersonal communications and demonstrate the process of language, listening skills, and nonverbal communications. [COMMUNICATE]
  7. Demonstrate basic problem solving skills. [REASON]
  8. Recognize legal and ethical standards that affect workers within the health care industry. [EXPLORE]
  9. Explain the key concepts of patients’ rights and the laws that govern patient confidentiality. [REASON]
  10. Describe the fundamentals of wellness and its impact on the disease process. [COMMUNICATE]
  11. Discuss and /or demonstrate basic skills required for a variety health occupations (i.e., safety, asepsis, and body mechanics). [ACT]

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