Mar 02, 2025
ASTR& 110 - The Solar System
5.0 Credits A study of the solar system, light and optics, telescopes, and the history and development of astronomy. Six hours of lecture and laboratory weekly. Concurrent enrollment in the lecture and lab is required. Night observing sessions are a required part of the lab. S/U grade option (was ASTRO 100).
Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of general scientific principles, with an emphasis on the fundamental astrophysical principles that govern the solar system and universe. These include the principles underlying physical theories and processes of scientific discovery, and the nature of scientific evidence upon which contemporary astronomical theories are based. [REASON]
- Describe the contributions of different cultures to Western scientific thought in astronomy. [EXPLORE]
- Analyze physical systems, solve problems, and answer questions using mathematics appropriate to astronomy and performing calculations appropriate to the task. [REASON]
- Clearly communicate fundamental knowledge particular to astronomy with their peers using appropriate vocabulary. [COMMUNICATE]
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