Feb 13, 2025
BSTEC 104 - Medical Terminology
Maximum of 3.0 possible Credits Study of basic word elements (prefixes, suffixes, and word roots); select terms and plural forms related to anatomy, physiology, symptoms, diagnoses, procedures, abbreviations, symbols, and eponyms; emphasis on accurate spelling, pronunciation, definition, and usage. Prerequisite: BRDGE 093 or EAP 100 or equivalent; or concurrent enrollment in BSTEC 155 .
Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Analyze and construct medical terms after memorizing word elements (suffixes, prefixes, roots, and combining forms). [REASON]
- Identify select abbreviations, symbols, and eponyms. [REASON]
- Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate medical terms used in medical reports. [REASON]
- Identify select diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and describe diagnoses for which they are performed. [REASON]
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology and related terms. [REASON]
- Spell, pronounce, define, and apply terms relevant to each lesson. [COMMUNICATE]
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