2013-2014 Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CS 262 - Introduction to Three-Dimensional Graphics Programming

5.0 Credits
Introduction to the fundamental concepts of 3D graphics and animation, including an investigation of the 3D rendering pipeline and the use of the Microsoft Direct 3D library to implement a working 3D application (was CMPSC 262).

Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe how positions are represented in 3D Cartesian and non-Cartesian coordinate systems. [COMMUNICATE]
  2. Describe various attributes, operations, and algorithms associated with graphics primitives including line drawing and shape filling algorithms and describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. [COMMUNICATE]
  3. Sketch representations of various 3D geometric objects as a series of polygonal surfaces or meshes. [REASON]
  4. Encode a series of 2D points in a matrix form, perform scalar by matrix multiplication, matrix addition, subtraction, and multiplication, and be able to geometrically interpret the results of such operations. [REASON]
  5. Describe how scaling, translation, and rotation of a 3D cube can be represented by matrix operations. [COMMUNICATE]
  6. Describe how a perspective projection may be expressed as a matrix operation and how the overall rendering process can be considered as a series of “space” transformations which transforms the object from its local space to a screen space. [COMMUNICATE]
  7. Define world, view, projection, and clipping transformations and be able to express how such a series of transformations describe the rendering process. [COMMUNICATE ]
  8. Describe various color models commonly encountered in 3D graphics applications and commonly used techniques for specifying animation sequences. [COMMUNICATE]
  9. Describe the relationship of the Direct3D immediate and retained modes and the relative advantages and disadvantages of using each. [COMMUNICATE]
  10. Write a program which initializes a Direct3D retained mode application and creates a 3D clipper and clip list. [REASON]
  11. Write a program which creates a Direct3D retained mode device, mesh scene frame, cameral frame, and viewport. [REASON]

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