Mar 11, 2025
CS 290 - Introduction to Software Testing and Quality Assurance
5.0 Credits Covers the fundamental concepts and techniques of software testing and quality assurance. Topics include goals of testing and quality assurance, classification of bugs, testing categories and techniques, test design, metrics and complexity (was CMPSC 290). Prerequisite: CS 115 (was CMPSC 115) with a grade of 2.5 or higher or instructor permission.
Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Complete a standardized bug report. [REASON]
- Distinguish between black box and white box testing and between structural and functional testing. [REASON]
- Create black box test plan for a program. [REASON]
- Describe the overall goals and limitations of testing and software quality assurance. [COMMUNICATE]
- Describe the key components of a testing model including the project, environment, program, bug, and tests. [COMMUNICATE]
- Describe tactics for finding and analyzing both reproducible and non-reproducible coding errors and be able to find and analyze such errors in a program. [COMMUNICATE]
- Describe regression testing and its general purpose. [COMMUNICATE]
- Describe the purpose, domain, and limitations of automated testing. [COMMUNICATE]
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