2013-2014 Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MATH 140 - Business Precalculus

5.0 Credits
Linear, quadratic, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; solving equations; matrices and financial applications. Not intended for math or science majors. Graphing calculator required. Prerequisite: MATH 090  or equivalent with grade of 2.0 or higher, or appropriate score on math placement test.

Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Develop and evaluate mathematical models for business using linear, quadratic, exponential, simple rational, and logistic functions in symbolic, graphical, written and numerical representations. [REASON]
  2. Perform basic function operations. [REASON]
  3. Solve equations arising from the mathematical models using multiple symbolic and graphical techniques. [REASON]
  4. Develop and evaluate mathematical models for business relationships involving simple and compound interest (i.e., savings, loans, annuities and mortgages). [REASON]
  5. Develop and evaluate matrix models of business situations involving linear systems of equations and input-output matrices. [REASON]
  6. Perform basic matrix operations. [REASON]
  7. Solve a system of equations using multiple symbolic and graphical techniques. [REASON]

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