Mar 14, 2025
WDT 2.0 - Work-based Learning Policy : SUMMARY/SCOPE Edmonds College offers credited, work-based learning opportunities through individual courses - called internships, externships, work experiences, or practicums - in some educational programs. Credit is granted only for experiences that meet defined learning objectives, are completed while the student is in the program, and are part of the student’s educational goal.
DESCRIPTION Work-based learning experiences are courses that have, in general, outcomes that are tied to an experience or set of experiences in a workplace. These classes are offered in programs where the student learning will be enhanced and deepened by the applied or “real world” experiences.
GLOSSARY TERMS Work-based Learning
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SBCTC Policy Manual – Chapter 4 appendix C – Work-based learning
WDT 2.01pr - Work-based Learning Courses
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Workforce Development and Training
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Vice President for Workforce Development and Training
REVIEW PERIOD Three years.
REVIEW HISTORY 2016-Nov 14 Approved by President’s Cabinet
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