WDT 1.01pr - Granting Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - Procedure : SUMMARY/SCOPE Edmonds College may grant Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for continuing education courses and special learning activities that support the college’s mission.
DESCRIPTION Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available and may be awarded at the college for non-credit classes that are at least 10 hours in length; one-tenth of a CEU is awarded for each clock hour (50-60 minutes) of actual instruction. CEUs are awarded for courses with clearly stated objectives and evidence of student achievement, such as a project or paper that demonstrates achievement of the learning objectives.
The cost for earning CEUs is $20 per class. Students requesting CEUs must pay the $20 fee during the time of registration and in advance of the start of the class. Students who attend all class sessions and satisfactorily complete all class requirements may be eligible to receive CEUs. Within 15 days of the completion of the quarter, students must complete a CEU Reporting Form and return it to the college’s Community Education office. CEU Reporting Forms are located in the college’s Community Education office.
Students may not apply to receive CEUs for classes that they took during previous quarters.
CEUs Awarding Process
The process starts when a student requests CEUs for a particular class. This request is made when a student pays the $20 CEU fee during the time of registration.
- When a student applies for CEUs for a specific class, workshop, or seminar the CEU Administrator determines if it is eligible (i.e., that it meets the minimum of 10 hours and has clear objectives and measurable outcomes).
- A $20 CEU fee (per class) student need to sign up for the CEU via https://ce.edcc.edu/lifelong-learning/comed/default.html.
- Within 15 days of the completion of the class, the instructor certifies that the student achieved the learning objectives. This instructor certification is done by having the instructor sign the student’s CEU Reporting form.
- When a completed CEU Reporting form is received by the CEU Administrator, the administrator will work with the instructor (if necessary) to verify that the student completed all requirements to earn CEUs.
- Once verification of satisfactory student performance is complete, the CEU Administrator creates a CEU verification letter and mails it to the student.
- Copies of the signed CEU Reporting form, verification letter, and CEU certificate are to be kept on file by the CEU Administrator.
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WDT 1.0 Granting Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - Policy
SOURCE INFORMATION Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), criteria 1.C.1
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President of Workforce Development and Training
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Vice President of Workforce Development and Training
REVIEW PERIOD Three years.
REVIEW HISTORY 2016-Nov 14 Approved by President’s Cabinet
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