Policy Management 
    Feb 14, 2025  
Policy Management
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IT 2.01pr - Software Usage Security : Procedural Standard for Acquisition, Registration, and Installation

This procedure defines specific procedural elements for obtaining, registering, tracking, and auditing of software.

Edmonds College (EC) users are only authorized to use software that is acquired and licensed through EC procedures. Users may not duplicate licensed software or related documentation for personal or professional use unless EC is expressly authorized to do so by agreement with the licensor. Users may not give software to outsiders, including clients, contractors, customers, students, or others. EC users may use software on networks or on multiple machines only in accordance with applicable license agreements.

Acquisition of Software

All software that is used on any EC computer (including desktops, laptops, or mobile devices) should be purchased through approved EC purchasing procedures in order to fully document the purchase. All purchase requisitions for software should be submitted to IT for approval before the purchase requisition is sent to the Business Office. If it becomes necessary to acquire software through other means, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Purchase Request/P-Card

The preferred method to acquiring software is to submit a purchase requisition and have the Purchasing department process the order. P-Cards (used as a credit card) are a convenient method to purchasing software online; however, prior approval needs to be obtained from IT before the purchase is made.

  • Petty Cash

If it becomes necessary for an EC employee to purchase software from personal funds, then the employee must submit the appropriate petty cash voucher information to receive reimbursement for the purchase of the software. A copy of proof of purchase documentation must be kept with the proof of license information in the appropriate software folder. Registration of software for which an employee has been reimbursed will be handled the same way as commercial software products.

  • Bundled Software Packages in Conjunction with Textbook Purchases

Note that copyright enforcement procedures still apply to this purchasing approach. Such software will be subject to the same policies as software purchased through the regular EC process and will be subject to audits. Proof of textbook adoption, proof of license, and proof of payment (if necessary) must be kept on record. Registration of bundled software will be handled the same way as for commercial software products.

  • Shareware

Shareware software is copyrighted software. It is the policy of EC to pay shareware authors the fee they specify for use of their products. Proof of license must be kept on record and proof of payment must be kept on record, if payment was necessary. Registration of shareware software will be handled the same way as for commercial software products. Shareware is not to be used unless it is specifically used for classroom or work-related purposes.

  • Freeware

Freeware is copyrighted software. Freeware is not to be used unless it is specifically used for classroom or work-related purposes. Proof of license must be kept on record. Registration of freeware software will be handled the same way as for commercial software products.

  • Public Domain

For any public domain software installed, a memo should be placed in the appropriate software notebook or register explaining why the software is believed to be in the public domain. Registration of public domain software will be handled the same way as for commercial software products. Public domain software is not to be used unless it is specifically used for classroom or work-related purposes.

  • Donated Software

Software donated to EC requires review and approval by the IT Management Team. A donation form must be obtained through the EC Foundation office and must be completed and returned to the EC Foundation office. Upon approval, as described above, the EC Foundation will send a donation receipt to the donor.


Registration of Software

Any Software purchased with state funds must be registered in the name of EC and the department in which it will be used. Due to personnel turnover, software will not be registered in the name of the individual user.

  • Administrative Computing

With the exception of software covered by a campus-wide license agreement, each department will maintain a register of all software on each computer in the department. The Information Technology Helpdesk can be contacted for a list of software covered by campus-wide license. The responsibility for maintaining registers may be delegated to individual users. The register must contain the following information for each computer:

  • The state tag ID or serial number of the computer.
  • A copy of the purchase documentation (i.e. receipt, purchase order) for the software, or the licenses or letter of authorization of use for each software title on the computer that did not require purchase.
  • An entry describing where the original installation media is stored.

Academic Computing

Academic Computer Services (ACS) will maintain a register for all software installed on computers supported by ACS.


Installation of Software

Local administrative rights will be restricted to control the installation of unapproved or unlicensed software. Installation of software must be requested through the Help Desk. Software may be installed only after the software register requirements have been met. Once installed, the original media will be kept in a safe storage area maintained by the department or the end user.  

Software installed in the Academic labs will be compliant with all aspects of this policy. Requests for software installation must be submitted to the Lab Manager along with a Software Request Form and all required documents listed on that form. The original copy of the software, user manuals, and all licensing will be stored in ACS.

IT 2.0 Software Usage Security Policy

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Chief Information Officer

Chief Information Officer

Three years. Requires President’s Leadership Team approval.

2016-Dec 12  Update and edits

2005-Apr 05  Approved by President’s Cabinet

2001-Apr 04  Final draft

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