HR 6.0 - Workplace Civility and Respect : SUMMARY/SCOPE Edmonds College is committed to a culture of civility and will establish procedures to facilitate a culture of respect.
Maintaining a culture of respect and civility in the workplace is key to a successful work and classroom environment. It improves morale and fosters productivity and enhances learning. Disrespect can become a barrier to effective communication, coaching, and productivity and manifests itself in both verbal and non-verbal abuse.
DESCRIPTION College members will treat all members of the community with honesty, respect and courtesy; each individual shall have regard for the dignity and needs of the people with whom they work and supervise. This applies to all interpersonal interactions, written and verbal communications, and in cyberspace and social media networks. The college is committed to expecting respectful and civil behavior from all employees at work and in the classroom; we require each employee to support this commitment.
Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring the workplace and classroom are free of disrespectful behavior, abusive treatment, and harassment within their respective work areas.
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES HR 6.01pr Workplace Civility and Respect Procedures
SOURCE INFORMATION (was) C 6.5.600 Workplace Civility and Respect Policy
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Human Resources and Operations
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Vice President for Human Resources and Operations
REVIEW PERIOD Three years.
REVIEW HISTORY 2021-Oct 20 Amended to update content owner and contributor
2019-Sep 30 Revisions approved by President’s Leadership Team
2017-Jan 09 Approved by President’s Cabinet
2009-Apr 20 Approved by President’s Cabinet
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