Policy Management 
    Feb 13, 2025  
Policy Management
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HR 7.01pr - Employee Relationships : Procedure

Edmonds College, as an institution of higher education and steward of the public trust, values an environment of inclusion, trust, and respect as a primary component for optimal learning and working. All employees of the college accept responsibility to avoid any apparent or actual conflict of interest between their professional responsibilities and their personal relationships with students over whom they hold a position of authority and those employees over whom they exercise supervisory, evaluative, or other relationships of power or authority. Additionally, employees are prohibited from engaging in sexual activity of any kind, whether consensual or not, on the Edmonds College campus.

Many students are at a stage in their development when they may be particularly vulnerable to the influence of faculty members who are in a position to affect the terms and conditions of a student’s standing at the college. Supervisors also exercise inherent authority and power over their subordinate employees. These “power dynamics” have the potential for abuse, whether intentional or unintentional, so it is incumbent upon the college to develop policies and procedures that guard against the potential abuse.

Reporting of Suspected Incidents: All students, employees, and officers of the college have an obligation to report known consensual or romantic relationships between supervisors and their subordinate employees or between faculty members and students over whom the faculty member exercises a position of authority. All concerns of possible violation of the Employee Relationships policy should be immediately reported to any of the following officers of the college: Vice President for Student Services, Vice President for Instruction, Vice President for Human Resources and Operations, or Director of Human Resources. The Vice President for Human Resources and Operations will oversee any investigation, if warranted, and work with applicable Union leadership throughout the process.

When a faculty-student consensual relationship exists or develops, a faculty position of authority with respect to the student must be avoided or immediately terminated. Avoidance or termination includes, but is not limited to, the student not enrolling in a course; a qualified alternative faculty member or teaching assistant taking the position of authority; transfer of the student to another course, section, seminar, etc., taught by a different faculty member or teaching assistant; assigning or transferring the student to another academic advisor; or the student dropping a course.

When a supervisor-subordinate consensual relationship exists or develops, the supervisory relationship must be avoided or immediately terminated. Avoidance or termination includes, but is not limited to, moving the subordinate under a different supervisor; removing the supervisory authority; or termination of employment for either or both parties.

In the event that any such relationship is reported and confirmed, and the person in the position of authority or supervision does not conform with the policy or the plan to remedy the situation, the college employee can be subject to employee disciplinary procedures in accordance with any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement, up to and including termination in the case of administrators and staff members, or dismissal for cause in the case of faculty members.

There are exceptional circumstances in which the spouse or partner of a college employee is a student at the college. The Employee Relationships policy does not apply in such circumstances. The Vice President for Human Resources and Operations determines whether an exceptional circumstance applies and will document the exceptional circumstance in the employee’s official personnel file. Any employee involved in a relationship that may be considered an exceptional circumstance should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible. The employee’s supervisor should then inform the Director of Human Resources, who will work with the Vice President for Human Resources and Operations to validate and document the waiver, if warranted.


Consensual Relationship



Position of Authority

Sexual Activity



HR 7.0 Employee Relationships 

HR 5.0 Human Resources Management

(was) 6.3.102, Section VII Administrative and Exempt Employee Code of Personnel Policy and Procedures

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Three years.

2021-Oct 20  Amended to update content owner and contributor

2017-March 13  Approved by President’s Cabinet

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