Feb 09, 2025
IN 8.0 - Approval and Review of College Curriculum, Degrees, and Certificates : SUMMARY/SCOPE Edmonds College maintains appropriate policies to develop, approve, and implement college curriculum that meets the mission of the college and complies with all Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges policy guidelines, Washington Department of Education and US Department of Education regulations, and all accreditation standards.
DESCRIPTION The Office of the Vice President for Instruction authorizes and approves all college curricula. Faculty are responsible for the development and implementation of new degrees, certificates, programs, and courses to meet the educational needs of the community. Faculty review current curriculum annually for adherence to required standards and currency of content that support the college’s mission. The college Curriculum Committee, a contractual faculty committee, reviews all new and substantially revised curriculum and makes appropriate recommendations on the approval of that curriculum to the Vice President for Instruction. New degrees and certificates of 20 credits or more are also reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees and follow a detailed review and approval process determined by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, with final approval by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES IN 8.01pr Approval and Review of College Curriculum, Degrees, and Certificates : Procedure
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Instruction
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Vice President for Instruction
REVIEW PERIOD Three years. Requires President’s Leadership Team approval.
REVIEW HISTORY 2024-Feb 01 Revised and approved by President’s Leadership Team
2018-Jun 21 Approved by President’s Cabinet
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