Policy Management 
    Oct 18, 2024  
Policy Management
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HR 5.08pr - Non-permanent (Hourly) Employee Procedures :

The purpose of this procedure is to set out the definitions, requirements, control, and monitoring of temporary (non-permanent) part-time hourly positions that are exempt from classified service in conjunction with classified service rules.


A. The Vice President for Human Resources and Operations has the overall responsibility for monitoring hourly positions.

B. For purposes of this procedure, any reference to “hourly employees” is meant to encompass student employees, temporary part-time hourly employees, and international student employees. Definitions of each employee type can be found in the glossary.

C. Prospective hourly employees (non-student) will be provided with a document explaining their conditions of employment prior to being placed on the payroll. The document will be signed by the prospective employee and filed in their personnel folder.

D. All employment records reside with Human Resources (HR). All hourly employee records will be made available for Washington State Department of Personnel audits.

E. The HR staff will monitor the hours worked by hourly employees. The HR staff will contact supervisors, as necessary, if an employee exceeds or is projected to exceed the maximum number of hours in their conditions of employment. Supervisors are expected to keep track of hours worked for employees they supervise, as well, to ensure hourly employees adhere to the conditions of employment regarding their work hours.

F. The HR staff will provide information to supervisors regarding any changes in employment rules affecting hourly employees.

G. An individual may only be assigned to one hourly employment type.


  1. Hourly employees may begin working on the first business day of each payroll period; all new temporary (non-student) part-time hourly employees should attend an onboarding session on the first day of the pay period. Student and international student employees do not need to attend an onboarding session. Prior to beginning employment, the following pre-employment steps must be completed:
  1. Supervisors will submit a Personnel Action Form (PAF) to HR. The PAF will include a suggested pay rate and number of hours to be worked per week.
  2. Prospective employees will complete a background check, which must be approved by HR.
  3. HR will create an employee account for the hourly employee and request an email address for the employee.
  4. Prospective employees will complete all necessary hiring paperwork and turn it into HR. Temporary part-time hourly employees will complete their paperwork during onboarding. Student and international employees may attend a scheduled paperwork session in HR to complete their paperwork.
  5. HR will notify the supervisor when all pre-employment actions are complete. Hourly employees may not start working in the department for which they were hired until items 1-4 (above) are completed.
  6. The supervisor is responsible for providing a thorough training program to familiarize each hourly employee with the activities of the department. This includes providing hourly employees appropriate information about college policies and regulations.

B. Time Accounting: Supervisors will assign work schedules to hourly employees. Hourly employees must be compensated for all hours worked and will submit hours worked in ctcLink, which will be verified and approved by supervisors. It is recommended hourly employees keep track of hours worked by inputting their time into ctcLink at the end of each shift. Hourly employees are not entitled to paid holidays, and holidays for which permanent staff are paid are not considered “hours worked” for student employees.

C. Overtime: Hourly employees are overtime-eligible and must be compensated at time and a half for all hours worked over 40 hours per workweek. If a student employee has more than one college position, the hours worked in all positions are totaled to determine the total hours worked within the workweek.

  1. The maximum work hours for student and international student employees on campus should be no more than nineteen (19) hours per week, or a maximum of seventy-six (76) hours per month. Work-study student employees are limited to their work-study award and to the nineteen (19) hours per workweek limitation. A student may work eight (8) hours a day or up to forty (40) hours a week maximum during quarter breaks and the quarter when not enrolled if they meet the following criteria:
    1. The student is enrolled for a minimum of six credits each quarter for three previous, consecutive quarters; and
    2. The student intends to enroll for six (6) or more credits in the quarter following the break quarter. 
  2. The maximum work hours for temporary part-time hourly employees should be no more than sixteen (16) hours per week.

D. Determination of hourly rate:

  1. The PAF submitted to HR will contain a recommended hourly rate. The rate should conform with the Edmonds College Hourly/Student Pay Scale, be consistent with similar hourly positions, and take the following into consideration:
    1. The type and relative complexity of the work to be performed;
    2. Level of responsibility to be assigned;
    3. Background of technical training and/or experience required; and
    4. Overall skill level of the student to be employed.
  2. The Vice President for Human Resources and Operations will review the PAF and approve, adjust, or disapprove the recommended salary for salaries at or over $16/hour. The Director of HR will review the PAF and approve, adjust, or disapprove the recommended salary for salaries under $16/hour.
  3. It is recommended that international and student employees be initially hired at the minimum rate within the pay range for the appropriate job classification. However, the supervisor may employ them at a higher rate of pay within the range if the student has previous job experience or special qualifications for the job.
  4. Supervisors may request pay increases for their hourly employees. Pay increases may not be more frequent than once per year. The effective date for all pay increases must be on the first day of the pay period (either 1st of month or 16th of month). Increases should remain within the classification range on the Edmonds College Hourly/Student Pay Scale and should be no more than $0.50/hour, in increments of $0.25.
  5. To change classification for an hourly employee, the budget authority must submit an updated PAF to HR with a justification for the change explaining the increased responsibilities or new duties.
  6. Changing status from student employee to non-student employee:
  1. If a student employee’s enrollment changes to less than six credits, the supervisor needs to notify HR. A determination will be made as to if the employee can no longer be considered a student employee and needs to be changed to a non-student hourly employee. If advised to do so by HR, the supervisor will submit a PAF to change the student employee to a non-student hourly employee. HR will also advise if there is additional paperwork that the employee will need to complete when changing status. Employees in AD (non-student hourly) status will be employed under the rules and procedures governing temporary, non-student employees.
  2. If a non-student hourly employee enrolls for six or more credits, supervisor needs to submit a PAF to change from non-student hourly employee to student employee.
  3. When changing from budget code “AM” (student) to “AD” (non-student hourly), or vice versa, the employee’s level of pay does not need to change, as long as the position is the same. If duties change, then supervisor should consult with HR on an appropriate wage.

7. State Work Study Pay Rates: Student employees eligible for state work study programs are assigned a classification by HR under the State Personnel Resources Board classification system and paid at step A of the appropriate range.


A. Vacation Leave: Hourly employees are not eligible for vacation leave.

B. Sick Leave: In accordance with RCW 49.46.210, all Edmonds College hourly employees accrue one hour of paid sick leave for every forty (40) hours worked. Sick leave will be posted in ctcLink at the beginning of each subsequent month in which it was earned. Leave will be posted in fractional increments (e.g. an employee who works sixty (60) hours in January will accrue 1.5 hours of leave that will be posted at the beginning of February).

  1. Sick leave usage counts toward the number of hours an employee can work in a given week, month, etc.
  2. Hourly employees can only take sick leave when they are scheduled to work.
  3. Retaliation by any supervisor or the college for using paid sick leave for authorized purposes is prohibited.
  4. The accrual calendar year for hourly and student employees begins January 1 and ends December 31 of each year. Carryover of paid sick leave hours: A maximum of forty (40) hours of unused, accrued sick leave will be carried over to the next calendar year. Accrued, unused sick leave over forty (40) hours will be forfeited at the end of the calendar year.
  5. Submitting Leave: Employees will record paid sick leave usage on their timesheets in ctcLink. Leave can be used in increments of .25 hours (15 minutes) or greater. 
  6. Paid sick leave hours will be compensated at the employee’s hourly rate of pay for the job in which they are taking the sick leave.
  7. Qualifying absences for hourly employee sick leave are enumerated in RCW 49.46.210 (b)(i, ii, and iii). Qualifying absences include the following:
    1. Employee’s mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition.
    2. Preventative care such as medical, dental, or optical appointments, and/or treatment.
    3. Care of a family member with an illness, injury, health condition, and/or preventative care such as a medical, dental, and/or optical appointment.
    4. Closure of the employee’s place of business or child’s school/place of care by order of a public official for any health-related reasons.
    5. If the employee or employee’s family member is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
    6. Hourly and student employees MAY NOT use sick leave for suspended operations/campus closures/etc.
    7. Qualifying family members include children (biological, adopted, foster, step, or legal guardian), parent or parent-in-law, grandparent or grandchild, sibling, spouse or registered domestic partner.
  8. The employer may request medical verification for an absence that exceeds three (3) days.
  9. Separation from Employment: If an employee separates from employment, there will not be financial or other reimbursements to the employee for accrued, unused paid sick leave at the time of separation.
  10. Reinstatement of Employment: If an employee resigns or is terminated from the college and is rehired as an hourly employee within twelve (12) months of separation, any accrued, unused paid sick leave will be reinstated to the employee’s paid sick leave balance, subject to the carryover limitations set forth in III.B.4 above.


Hourly employees are “at will” employees. It is generally expected that hourly employees will give the employer two weeks’ notice prior to resigning unless an earlier date is mutually agreed upon. Similarly, the employer will give the employee two weeks’ notice before terminating their employment, unless a shorter time period is necessary due to behavioral or productivity concerns. Depending upon the severity of the problem, it is generally expected that the employer will advise the hourly employee in writing of unsatisfactory performance at least once before terminating the student employee, but it is not an absolute requirement in every case. A copy of any written warnings should be maintained within the department of origin. All notices of termination should be sent to the HR office. Notices will become part of the hourly employee’s permanent file.

Student Employee

Temporary (Part-Time) Employee

International Student Employee 

HR 5.0 Human Resources Management Policy

(was) C 5.4.100 R101 Student Employment

(was) C 6.2.109 R106 Controlling/Monitoring Part-Time Hourly Exempt Temporary Positions

(was) C 6.3.200 R105 Hiring of Part-time Hourly Non-student Employees

RCW 41.06.070 Exemptions to chapter - Right to reversion.

WAC 357-04-040 Which student employees of higher education employers are exempt from civil service rules?

WAC 357-04-045 Which part-time or temporary employees of higher education employers are exempt from civil service rules?

RCW 49.46.210 Paid services - Authorized purposes - Limitations - “Family member” defined.

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Three years.

2021-Oct 20  Amended to update content owner and contributor, leadership and ctcLink references

2018-Jun 21 Approved by President’s Cabinet

2018-Jun 11  Amended

1996-Feb 12  Amended 

1991-May 13  Amended

1989-Jan  Approved

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