HR 11.0 - Academic Integrity Policy : SUMMARY/SCOPE This policy sets forth guidance and rules on academic integrity, to include procedures for reporting violations and how violations will be addressed.
DESCRIPTION Edmonds College expects all employees to foster an environment of academic excellence. Academic integrity and honesty in the classroom and in our work is paramount to building a strong reputation for excellence. All college employees are expected to follow this policy. Employees are expected to respect the work of others and honor their contributions by not reproducing another’s intellectual property without permission and attribution.
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES HR 11.01pr Academic Integrity Procedures
IN 9.0 Copyright Policy
IN 9.01pr Copyright : Procedures
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Human Resources and Operations
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Vice President for Instruction, Faculty Senate, and Vice President for Human Resources and Operations
REVIEW PERIOD Three years.
REVIEW HISTORY 2021-Oct 20 Amended to update content owner and contributor
2018-Oct 29 Approved by President’s Cabinet
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