FIN 5.0 - Travel : SUMMARY/SCOPE To ensure compliance with laws and regulations regarding travel for official college business.
DESCRIPTION All travel by Edmonds College employees is to be conducted in a manner most economical (but also fully refundable in the event that travel is canceled) and advantageous to the state, keeping the health and safety of employees in mind. Employees are expected to exercise prudent judgment when incurring travel expenses while on official college business. Where and when possible, college employees are expected to consider alternatives to travel, such as teleconferencing/video conferencing, video recordings, and published reports.
While RCW 28B.10.029 exempts institutions of higher education from following the Office of Financial Management’s (OFM) travel rules for how travel arrangements are made and paid for, Edmonds College policy is to follow OFM’s travel rules.
Individual travelers are responsible for understanding and abiding by the rules of the State of Washington as found in Chapter 10 of the State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM). The college’s business office can provide assistance with travel-related questions. (See the related procedure for more details, as well.)
This policy applies to all college officers, employees, and volunteers.
SOURCE INFORMATION (was) C 6.2.101 Reimbursement of State
Office of Financial Management Chapter 10: Travel Management Requirements and Restrictions
State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM)
Washington State Legislature Revised Code of Washington
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Finance, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Business Office Operations Manager
REVIEW PERIOD Annually. Requires President’s Leadership Team approval.
REVIEW HISTORY 2023-Dec 18 Approved by President’s Leadership Team
2014-Oct 10 Revised
1991-Sep 20 Approved by Board Resolution #91-9-3
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