IN 1.0 - Grades : SUMMARY/SCOPE Grades are awarded to students based on their academic performance and achievement in each class they enroll in. The college utilizes a published four-point grading system, and in some instances, a letter grade, to evaluate the student’s level of achievement in meeting course learning outcomes.
DESCRIPTION The responsibility for evaluating student work and awarding credit if the academic expectations of the course have been completed satisfactorily resides with the faculty. Grading of student work is based on the course learning outcomes/objectives and the methods of criteria of evaluation stated in the class syllabus. Any changes to grading practices proposed by the Academic Standards Committee must be reviewed and approved by the Vice President for Instruction.
Learning Outcomes
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES IN 1.01pr Grades: Grading Practices
SOURCE INFORMATION (was) C 1.9.100 R101 Grade Procedures
(was) C 1.9.100 R102 Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation for Degrees, Certificates, and Diplomas
(was) C 1.9.100 R103 Retention of Student Grades by Faculty
(was) C 1.9.100 R104 Petition for Academic Renewal
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Instruction
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Vice President for Instruction
REVIEW PERIOD Three years. Requires President’s Leadership Team approval.
REVIEW HISTORY 2024-Feb 01 Updated and Approved by President’s Leadership Team
2015-Dec 16 Approved by President’s Cabinet
2014-Dec 23 Updated
2012-Jul 03 Amended
2009-Mar 30 Amended
2008-Oct 06 Amended
2007-Aug 13 Amended
2006-Jan 09 Amended
1993-Oct 08 Amended
1993-May 03 Amended
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