BOT 6.0 - Mission, Vision, Core Themes, and Values : SUMMARY/SCOPE The Edmonds College Board of Trustees supports the college’s Mission, Vision, Core Themes, and Values. As the governing body for the college, the Board of Trustees approval is required before changes can be implemented.
The Edmonds College Board of Trustees supports the college’s Mission, Vision, Core Themes, and Values. As the governing body for the college, the Board of Trustees approval is required before changes can be implemented.
The current Mission, Vision, Core Themes, and Values are as follows:
Transforming lives through exemplary, nationally recognized educational and career pathways.
Guided by innovation, equity, inclusion, and a global perspective, we are committed to…
Academic Excellence
Student Success
Community Engagement
The Board, employees, and students of our college value…
Collaboration and Communication
We promote respectful collaboration, communication, and interaction among students and employees.
We develop and maintain a safe, healthy, and professional environment that fosters creativity, innovation, learning, and personal growth.
Responsibility and Accountability
We manage our resources with efficiency and integrity to ensure the long-term health of the college.
We infuse sustainable and transparent practices throughout all aspects of the college’s operations and programs.
Innovation and Creativity
We continuously seek opportunities to improve the quality of our lives, the college, our community, and the world.
We explore, create, and evaluate in order to improve.
Diversity, Respect, and Inclusion
We celebrate the individuality and diversity of our students and colleagues, as well as the diversity of our college, community, nation, and world.
We require equity and mutual respect.
An in-depth review of the Mission, Vision, Core Themes, and Values will be conducted at least once every seven (7) years.
GLOSSARY TERMS Board of Trustee(s)
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES BOT 6.01pr Mission, Vision, Core Themes, and Values: Procedure
SOURCE INFORMATION (was) B 1.1 Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Core Themes, Strategic Objectives, and Values
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Office of the President, Secretary of the Board of Trustees
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Office of the President, Secretary of the Board of Trustees
REVIEW PERIOD Three years. Requires President’s recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
REVIEW HISTORY 2021-Nov 10 Revised, Board Resolution 21-11-3
2017-Nov 02 Reviewed, Board Resolution 17-11-2
2017-Feb 09 Revised, Board Resolution 17-2-1
2014-Feb 18 Reviewed
2013-Nov 21 Amended, Board Resolution 13-11-2
2013-May 09 Amended, Board Resolution 13-5-1
2012-Sep 09 Amended, Board Resolution 12-9-3
2012-Aug First Consideration of B 1.1
2010-Jun 09 Amended, Board Resolution 10-6-9
2007-Jan 11 Amended
2001-May Approved B 1.1 (and B 1.2)
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