SS 1.0 - Student Code of Conduct : SUMMARY/SCOPE Pursuant to federal and state laws, Edmonds College has set forth a policy addressing student code of conduct, hearing procedures, and student rights and responsibilities.
DESCRIPTION Edmonds College students are expected to be responsible citizens. The college informs students of their rights and responsibilities, defines reasonable standards of behavior, and ensures substantive and procedural due process. The college’s Student Code of Conduct policy is set out in 132Y-125 WAC.
SOURCE INFORMATION (was) C 5.1.500 Student Discipline
WAC 132Y-125 Student Code of Conduct - Hearing Procedures
WSR 24-16-052 Emergency Rules
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Dean of Student Engagement and Support
REVIEW PERIOD Three years or sooner if needed. Requires President’s Leadership Team approval.
REVIEW HISTORY 2024-Jul 29 Revised and approved by President’s Leadership Team
2015-May 07 Amended by Resolution 15-5-2
2008-Mar 06 Minor revisions
2005-Oct 18 Revised
2001-Sep Revised
1993-Dec 16 Amended by Resolution 93-12-1
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