Policy Management 
    Feb 11, 2025  
Policy Management
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FAO 1.01pr - Pollution Control : Procedures

Edmonds College is required to establish procedures to prevent water, soil, and air pollution in compliance with Washington State Department of Ecology, federal, state, and local regulations and ordinances.

This procedure applies to all activities on Edmonds College owned and controlled property and to the activities of college staff in the execution of college business.

Non­stormwater discharges and/or dumping into the Edmonds College stormwater system is prohibited, including illicit connections, non­stormwater discharges, hazardous materials, and improper disposal of pet waste and litter. The following types of discharges are also prohibited unless the stated conditions are met:

  • Discharges from potable water sources, including water line flushing, hyper­chlorinated water line flushing, fire hydrant system flushing, and pipeline hydrostatic test water. Planned discharges shall be de­chlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 ppm or less, pH­ adjusted if necessary, and volumetrically and velocity controlled to prevent re­suspension of sediments in the storm system.
  • Any non­stormwater discharges except those exempted by the state municipal stormwater permit.

The college will maintain the pollution control plan. The plan will be accomplished via the cooperative efforts of managers, supervisors, and employees.

College Administrators, Managers, and Supervisors

It is Edmonds College policy that college administrators and supervisors are responsible for the health and safety performance in each work unit and department. This responsibility can neither be transferred nor delegated. Supervisors and administrators that oversee staff involved with hazmat and this policy must record that mandatory training has been provided and is current.

Facilities Department and Capital Projects

The Facilities Department together with the Department of Enterprise Services and architects manage hazard assessments for building sites in the design and construction process in compliance with city, state, and federal regulations. This includes securing environmental permits for air quality, stormwater, and wastewater.

The Facilities Department will update and maintain the pollution control plan, and provide guidance to the campus community, facilitate periodic inspections, review and update changes to policies, and provide personnel training and reporting to meet regulatory reporting requirements.

College Employees

Campus employees are expected to identify any areas of potential pollution in their work areas. Each area that has identified potential pollution sources must:

  • Review pollution prevention plan information and implement necessary control measures.
  • Report releases to Security and Facilities departments as soon as discovered.
  • Work with Facilities to maintain the stormwater management program as required.

FAO 1.0 Pollution Control Policy

(was) 6.5.100 R103 Hazardous Waste Management Procedure

Compliance mandates:

Department of Ecology Phase II Municipal Storm Water Permit, Secondary Permittee

Chapter 173–201A WAC Water quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington; 

Chapter 173–200 WAC Water Quality Standards for Ground Waters of the State of Washington;

Chapter 173–360 WAC Underground Storage Tank Regulations;

Chapter 173–340 WAC Model Toxics Control Act–Cleanup;

Chapter 173–400 WAC General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources;

Chapter 173–220 WAC National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program;

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Regulation I

CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to:
Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Vice President for Human Resources and Operations

Three years.

2021-Oct 18  Amended to update content owner and contributor

2019-Mar 12  Reviewed by Vice President for Finance and Operations

2016-Apr 27  Approved by President’s Cabinet

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