FIN 3.0 - Cash Receipting : SUMMARY/SCOPE The Cash Receipting policy is designed to provide a framework for cash handling based on the college’s internal control procedures.
DESCRIPTION To ensure the reliability of financial reporting, Edmonds College shall collect and deposit funds in a controlled and efficient manner, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations set forth by the State of Washington.
All departments that handle cash must integrate into their daily use the internal control procedures developed by the college’s internal auditor. Internal controls are used to safeguard public resources, protect employees, assist in fraud prevention, and to provide a framework of reliability to our financial reporting.
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Finance, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Director of Finance
REVIEW PERIOD Three years.
REVIEW HISTORY 2021-Oct 19 Amended to update content owner
2016-May 11 Approved by President’s Cabinet
2015-May 06 Created
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