2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Nov 26, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ANTH 203 - Human Ecology III

5.0 Credits
Apply traditional ecological knowledge and modern science to contemporary problems. Partner with tribes, governments, nonprofits, and businesses to make our community more sustainable through wildlife tracking, ethnobotany, tribal canoe journeys, and environmental mentorship.
Prerequisite ANTH 202 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or instructor permission.
Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Conduct participant observation and service-learning activities with tribes, government agencies, and/or nonprofit organizations.
  2. Explain the value of participant observation and service-learning as research tools in anthropology and the social sciences.
  3. Describe and discuss the significance of relationships between human social systems and the ecosystems in which they participate.
  4. Identify common native and invasive plants of Western Washington and describe their cultural uses.
  5. Identify common species of animals in Western Washington and recognize their tracks and signs.
  6. Outline and apply the scientific method in collaborative field-based activities.
  7. Explain the theory of evolution and its impact on humans and their ecosystems.
  8. Identify tribes, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, business, and industry involved in sustainable development.
  9. Maintain field notes that record, describe and/or quantify human interventions in local ecosystems.
  10. Reflect orally and in writing on the value of service as a means of making a difference in a community.
  11. Distinguish between sustainable and unsustainable human-ecosystem interactions.
  12. Identify the crucial role of culture in the sustainability of human-ecosystem interactions.
  13. Share an indigenous narrative, news story, poem, or other reading material conveying traditional ecological knowledge.
  14. Lead a reflection activity inviting other students to connect their service with their learning.
  15. Serve as a peer advocate/mentor to other students new to ecological stewardship.
  16. Lead training sessions of other students new to ecological stewardship.

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