Mar 13, 2025
PREP 021 - U.S. History I
5.0 Credits An examination of selected issues and topics in U.S. history from pre-colonial times to the Civil War. Includes study of U.S. Constitution and government. Counts toward high school U.S. History I credit. S/U grade option. Prerequisite Orientation and advising are required before taking this course. Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify and describe contributions made by early American cultures.
- Identify events, trends, individuals, and movements that helped shape America.
- Identify and create examples of how technological advances shaped America.
- Describe and identify the importance of the foundational documents.
- Relate the past to present, be able to explain how history repeats itself.
- Communicate core concepts and ideas in U.S. history from pre-colonial times to the Civil War.
- Research, compare, and analyze perspectives within this time period using multiple source materials.
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