2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 30, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CHEM& 161 - General Chemistry I with Lab

6.0 Credits
For science and engineering majors who plan to take a year or more of chemistry. Course covers measurement, stoichiometry, gases, aqueous reactions, thermochemistry, atomic structure,and periodicity. Laboratory emphasizes quantitative techniques.
Prerequisite 1. MATH&141 with a grade of at least 2.0, or concurrent enrollment. 2. Placement into ENGL&101. 3. CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 139 with a grade of 2.0 or higher, or pass the CHEM& 161 Placement Exam, or 1 year of high school chemistry with a grade of 2.0 or equivalent. The Placement Exam is given at the Testing Center (MLT 152. 425.640.1546). High school transcript verification is required and the high school chemistry class must be taken within the last academic year, verification is completed by the STEM Retention Specialist (STEM@edcc.edu, 425.640.1854, office ALD 233).
Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Convert between units of mass, mole, and molecule/atom.
  2. Write and balance chemical equations, including acid base, precipitation, and redox reactions.
  3. Compute the energy change in chemical reaction using calorimetric data and/or data from tables.
  4. Use stoichiometry to solve chemical problems involving solids, liquids, gases, or solutions.
  5. Use standard English to convey knowledge of chemical principles, using the language of chemistry, to a variety of audiences in a variety of forms.
  6. Use critical thinking strategies to make connections and associations between chemical principles.
  7. Keep a well organized laboratory notebook.
  8. Interpret scientific data, draw appropriate conclusions, and make changes to experimental procedures.
  9. Conduct standard laboratory procedures that may include filtration, pipeting, solution preparation, dilution, titration, colorimetric analysis, and use of common equipment and instrumentation appropriate to the knowledge and skill level of CHEM& 161.
  10. Statistically analyze data and draw appropriate conclusions regarding the accuracy and precision of the experimental results.
  11. Report scientific data in an organized and readable form.
  12. Work effectively as a member of a team.

Course Typically Offered

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