Feb 21, 2025
MATH 083 - Essentials of Intermediate Algebra 3
1 Credits This course is the fourth credit of a five-credit sequence of courses that comprises Essentials of Intermediate Algebra. Introduction to the concepts of linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Operations on polynomials, solutions to linear and polynomial equations, and rules of exponents. Registration permitted first seven weeks (six in summer) as space is available. MATH 081/082/083/084 must all be completed with a 2.0 within a 12-month period. Prerequisite MATH 082with a minimum grade of 2.0 OR concurrent enrollment in MATH 082. Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Develop functional relationships presented in applications, words, tables, graphs, and symbols using function notation, and express domains and ranges using inequalities or intervals.
- Apply rules of exponents to simplify expressions involving integer exponents, and simplify basic radical expressions.
- Simplify expressions and solve linear equations and formulas, including applications involving ratios, percentages, and proportions.
- Solve quadratic equations using basic factoring techniques and the quadratic formula, and find approximate solutions to polynomial equations using technology.
- Demonstrate solutions to problems and interpret results.
Course Typically Offered
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