PGM Code – 437C
Program Description This program of study provides the successful student with the addiction-specific knowledge expected of entry level trainees in drug treatment programs in Washington State. It is one year (approximately) of the minimum two years of education required in WAC 246-811. It satisfies the A-W portion of WAC 246-811 that refers to addiction studies competencies. It is primarily designed for those who already have an Associates or higher degree, who seek courses for chemical dependency competency.
See an adviser to assess your standing with these requirements. Any student who plans to apply for the state certification (CDP) credential should review all the requirements of the Department of Health, and consult their Edmonds CC Adviser. See Chemical Dependency Counseling FAQs.
Special Note: A Washington State background check is required for entrance into this vocation and some limitations are in effect for those with former felony convictions. If you have questions about this, please contact the department adviser or the Department of Health directly.
Common Course Numbering Please refer to for more information.
Credit/Grade Requirements This Certificate requires successful completion of a minimum of 79 credits as outlined. A minimum of 30 credits or one-third of the required credits, whichever is less, must be earned at Edmonds Community College. Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in all college-level courses.
Cultural Diversity Requirement All students earning a degree or certificate of 45 credits or more must meet a cultural diversity (CD) requirement by taking at least five (5) credits of CD courses. To learn more, go to Academic Information – Cultural Diversity Requirement in the online academic catalog.
Students Are Advised To
- Plan their schedule several quarters in advance in order to accommodate courses that are offered only once or twice a year,
- Review the college catalog for required course prerequisites and include these in schedule planning, and
- Communicate with an academic adviser.
- Submit an “Evaluation Request - Transfer Credits” form (available in Enrollment Services) to activate the process of transferring credits to Edmonds Community College
Graduation Application A completed Graduation Application form must be submitted to Enrollment Services by the 10th day of the quarter in which the student expects to graduate. Forms are available online or at Enrollment Services located in Lynnwood Hall. Note: Applications for summer quarter are due by the 8th day of the quarter.
College Resources
College Website |
How to Enroll |
Transfer Center |
College Bookstore |
Advising Appointments | 425.640.1458
The advisers for this program are
Karen Townsend | | 425.640.1595
Tui Lindsey | | 425.640.1633
Paul Ancona | | 425.640.1605
Department website
Social and Human Services |
Gainful Employment
Gainful Employment information is available for this program.