BOT 4.0 - Board Philosophy of Governance : SUMMARY/SCOPE The Edmonds College Board Philosophy of Governance policy establishes the governance model followed by the Trustees.
DESCRIPTION The Board of Trustees, on behalf of the citizens of College District 23, shall follow a governance model that ensures fiduciary oversight and accountability of Edmonds College’s human, physical, and fiscal resources.The Board of Trustees shall ensure: The fulfillment of the college’s Mission within the guidelines of the college Philosophy by means of the financial and human resources available; promotion of appropriate activities, conditions, and decisions; scrupulous self-monitoring of its processes and performances; and assuring compliance with all applicable state and federal statutes. A governance model that emphasizes a future-oriented, outward vision rather than internal preoccupation; ensuring openness to diverse points of view; encouragement of an equitable and inclusive culture; strategic leadership rather than administrative detail; clear distinction of Board and President roles; collective rather than individual decisions; and proactivity rather than reactivity.
GLOSSARY TERMS Board of Trustee(s)
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES BOT 4.01pr Board Philosophy of Governance: Procedure
SOURCE INFORMATION (was) B 3.1 Board Philosophy of Governance
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Office of the President, Secretary of the Board of Trustees
REVIEW PERIOD Three years. Requires President’s recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
REVIEW HISTORY 2022-Nov 10 Reviewed, Board Resolution 22-11-2
2019-Nov 14 Reviewed, Board Resolution 19-11-1
2017-Nov 02 Reviewed, Board Resolution 17-11-2
2017-Feb 09 Revised, Board Resolution 17-2-1
2001-May Approved B 3.1
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