Feb 09, 2025
HR 3.0 - Tuition and Fees Waiver for Eligible Employees : DESCRIPTION Edmonds College will provide tuition waivers for eligible college employees and other state employees, as defined in RCW 28B.15.558. Eligible employees and other persons defined in RCW 28B.15.558 may enroll in courses on a space-available basis. The college will establish procedures and fees for administering its tuition waiver program.
RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES HR 3.01pr Tuition and Fees Waiver Procedures for Eligible Employees
SOURCE INFORMATION RCW 28B.15.558 Waiver of tuition and fees for state employees and educational employees.
CONTENT OWNER. The primary responsibility for this policy belongs to: Vice President for Human Resources and Operations
PRIMARY CONTENT CONTRIBUTOR (Director/Dean) Vice President for Human Resources and Operations
REVIEW PERIOD Three years.
REVIEW HISTORY 2021-Oct 19 Amended to update content owner and contributor
2017-Aug 21 Amended and Approved by President’s Cabinet
1990 Nov Amended by Resolution 90114
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