2014-2015 Academic Catalog 
    Nov 24, 2024  
2014-2015 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EDUC& 136 - School Age Care

3.0 Credits
Develop skills to provide developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant activities and care, specifically: preparing the environment, implementing curriculum, building relationships, guiding academic and social skill development, and community outreach.

Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Develop a plan to create reciprocal, culturally senstive relationships with children and families. [REASON]
  2. Analyze the effectiveness of the environment and recommend changes reflecting the following standards: bias-free, respectful of cultural and individual diversity; developmentally appropriate; promotes positive self esteem and social interaction; supports activity, creativity, and a growing sense of autonomy. [REASON]
  3. Discuss the dynamics impacting behavior of children in after school care environments and identify guidance strategies promoting academic and social growth. [COMMUNICATE]
  4. Develop a plan for curriculum and program implementation that reflects responsive respect for the local community context. [REASON]
  5. Describe state and local school age care regulations and procedures related to group size, health, nutrition, and safety. [COMMUNICATE]
  6. Identify resources regarding developmental specialists and support of school age care. [REASON]
  7. Develop teaching strategies and program planning that address the unique developmental needs of children in school age care, individually and as a group. [REASON]

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