PGM Code – 506H
Program Description This hands-on program was designed by a group of experts representing both the private and public sectors, with a combined total of 40 years digital forensics and information security experience. It is truly a one-of-a-kind program that trains students to work in an emerging discipline that focuses on the acquisition, recovery, documentation, and analysis of information contained within and created with computing devices.
The program is designed for information technology professionals who need to acquire the skills necessary to properly perform forensic analysis of computing devices and systems. Students will learn a complete methodology for processing digital forensics cases from start to finish – not just how to be a user of automated software packages.
Topics: Procedures and methodologies used for digital forensics, structure and layout of NTFS, the Windows Registry, INFO2 files, electronic surveillance, intrusion detection, cryptography, and developing a testing and verification methodology. Related legal topics include properly acquiring and collecting evidence for use in criminal, civil, and administrative proceedings, rules of evidence, providing expert testimony, and legislation and laws affecting privacy and information technology .
Upon completion of this certificate program, students may be qualified for jobs as Computer Forensic Examiners. Students who are already working in an information technology or information security related capacity will find their skill sets greatly enhanced. In addition, students will be afforded the opportunity to sit for the CyberSecurity Forensics Analyst (CSFA) Certification exam, which is good for a one-year experience waiver towards the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam.
Entry Requirements This certificate begins at an advanced level and is designed for students already working in an information technology capacity. Students MUST see a Computer Information Systems (CIS) faculty adviser for proper placement into this program. It is recommended that program candidates have a minimum of the A+ and Network+ or CCNA certifications or equivalent experience and training before enrolling.
Common Course Numbering Please refer to for more information.
Credit/Grade Requirements This certificate is awarded upon a student’s completion of a minimum of 25 credits of Program Requirements as outlined. A minimum of 30 credits or one-third of the required credits, whichever is less, must be earned at Edmonds Community College. Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in all college-level courses as well as a minimum grade point average of 2.8 within the program requirements.
Students planning to continue on to other certificates and/or a two-year ATA degree in CIS should plan ahead while working toward their CIS certificate. For a smooth transition from certificate to degree, students should see a CIS adviser at their earliest opportunity.
Students Are Advised To
- Plan their schedule several quarters in advance in order to accommodate courses that are offered only once or twice a year,
- Review the college catalog for required course prerequisites and include these in schedule planning, and
- Communicate with an academic adviser.
- Submit an “Evaluation Request - Transfer Credits” form (available in Enrollment Services) to activate the process of transferring credits to Edmonds Community College
Graduation Application A completed Graduation Application form must be submitted to Enrollment Services by the 10th day of the quarter in which the student expects to graduate. Forms are available online or at Enrollment Services located in Lynnwood Hall. Note: Applications for summer quarter are due by the 8th day of the quarter.
College Resources
College Website |
How to Enroll |
Transfer Center |
College Bookstore |
Advising Appointments | 425.640.1458
The adviser for this program is
Steve Hailey | | 425.640.1377
Department Contact Information
Computer Information Systems|
Information Security |
Gainful Employment
Gainful Employment information is available for this program.