PGM Code – 527D
Program Description Students in the Server Administration Certificate program will develop the skills required to install, wire together, configure, administer, maintain, and troubleshoot complex computer Local Area Networks. Through lectures and hands on learning, students will develop knowledge and skill in the use of Microsoft Server Operating Systems.
These classes can be used as part of the requirements for the Network Technology Associate of Technical Arts . For more information, call 425.640.1136.
Common Course Numbering Please refer to for more information.
Credit/Grade Requirements The certificate is awarded upon a student’s completion of 25 credits as outlined below. A minimum of 8 credits must have been received by Edmonds Community College. Students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in all college-level courses.
Students Are Advised To
- Plan their schedule several quarters in advance in order to accommodate courses that are offered only once or twice a year,
- Review the college catalog for required course prerequisites and include these in schedule planning, and
- Communicate with an academic adviser.
- Submit an “Evaluation Request - Transfer Credits” form (available in Enrollment Services) to activate the process of transferring credits to Edmonds Community College
Graduation Application A completed Graduation Application form must be submitted to Enrollment Services by the 10th day of the quarter in which the student expects to graduate. Forms are available online or at Enrollment Services located in Lynnwood Hall. Note: Applications for summer quarter are due by the 8th day of the quarter.
College Resources
College Website |
How to Enroll |
Transfer Center |
College Bookstore |
Advising Appointments | 425.640.1458
The advisers for this program are
Bill Marshall | | 425.640.1985
Mustafa Rashid | | 425.640.1716
Department Contact Information
Computers, Electronics, and Networks |
Computer Information Systems | | 425.640.1902
Gainful Employment
Gainful Employment information is available for this program.