2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Administration and Faculty

Learn more about our college community

Talented, dedicated instructors teach the classes and experienced administrators help develop and implement programs and policies that make Edmonds an innovative, high-quality institution. Listed are full-time instructors and many of the key people responsible for fulfilling the college’s mission.

Find faculty and administration by their last name:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Board of Trustees

Board Chair, Dave Earling
Vice Chair, Carl Zapora
Trustee Adrianne Wagner
Trustee Wally Webster II
Trustee Courtney Wooten
Student Trustee, Bryanna Artellano

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Full-Time Faculty and Administration


Acob-Nash, Maria
Vice President, Enrollment & Student Services
AA, Edmonds College; BS, University of Washington; MS, Western Washington University; PhD, Community College Education Oregon State University

Acosta-Pieters, Martha
Director, International Marketing
BS in International Business and BS in Marketing, Central Washington University-Lynnwood

Adams, David J.
Instructor, Mathematics
BS and MS, Ohio University

Andrew, Michael W.
Instructor, Computer Information Systems
AA, Edmonds College

Anthony, Wayne H.
Director, Center for Student Engagement and Leadership
BFA, Pacific Lutheran University; MEd Western Washington University

Arnold-Sturgis, Sandra I.
Instructor, Early Childhood Education
AAS, Seattle Central Community College; MA, Pacific Oaks College Northwest

Asaf, Audineh C.
Instructor, Art
BA, University of Washington; MFA, Goddard College

Averbeck, Patrick J.
Instructor, Mathematics
BS, San Diego State University; MS and PhD, Oregon State University


Bartlett, Dyani
Instructor, English Language Acquisition
BS, Weber State University; MA, Seattle Pacific University

Baumgartner, John D.
Instructor, English
BA, Saint Martin’s University; MA, Indiana University

Benjamins, Haley
Instructor, Learning Resources Division
BA, University of Washington; MS, Syracuse University

Bevans, Stephanie L.
Instructor, Business Information Technology
BA, University of Washington; MEd, Seattle University

Botley, Paulette
Instructor, Mathematics
BA, University of Washington

Botzheim, Luke J.
Director, Housing and Residence Life
BA, Eastern Washington University; MA, Eastern Washington University

Breed, David W., Jr
Instructor, High School Completion - Pre-College
BA, San Diego State University; MEd, Western Washington University

Bull, Tom
Executive Director, Edmonds College Foundation
BS, Loyola University Chicago; MSC, Northwestern University

Burdick, Timothy J.
Instructor, Social and Human Services
BA, Seattle Pacific University; MS, Eastern Washington University; PhD, University of Birmingham (UK)

Burwell, Jessica E.
Director, Counseling and Wellness
BA, Western Washington University; MEd, Seattle University


Calley, Jamie Eileen
Associate Dean, Corrections Education
BS, Western Governor’s University; MS, University of Wisconsin

Carothers, Catherine (Cat)
Executive Director, Grants Development
BA, Indiana University Pennsylvania; MPH, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Carrico, Minh B.
Instructor, Visual Communications
BA, St Edward’s University

Casperson, Jennifer
Instructor, Nursing
BSN Seattle University; MSN Northwest Nazarene University

Certain, Gina
Director, Worker Retraining
ATA, Edmonds College

Chapman, Kimberly
Vice President, Instruction
AA, North Lake Community College; BA, The University of Texas at San Antonio; MA, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Ed.D, New Jersey City University

Chen, Edward
Instructor, Paralegal
BA, Stanford University; JD, Washington University School of Law

Cianci, Damiano
Interim Director, Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center
CCNA, CVOICE, MCP, CWNA, iNET+, CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CIW, CATIA Part Design Specialist, CATIA Part Design Expert, CATIA Surface Design Specialist, CATIA Part Design Expert, CATIA Assembly Design Specialist

Clarke, Deborah A.
Instructor, Academic English - International Education
BA, Sonoma State University; MA, San Francisco State University; CERT, School of Teaching English as a Second Language

Cluphf, Larry
Executive Director, Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center and Advanced Manufacturing Skills Center
BA, Western Washington University; MBA, City University

Cohen, Allison Sara
Dean, Pre-College Division
BA, Brown University; MEd, Seattle University; TESOL, Seattle University

Coiro, Christina M.
Instructor, Social and Human Services
BA, Western Washington University; MA, Antioch University

Colyn, Nell
Director, Running Start Program
BA, Calvin College; MA, Ball State University

Cossette, Mel
Director, Materials Science Initiatives
BA, The Evergreen State College; MEd, City University

Culevski, Niko
Instructor, Computer Science
BA, University of California-Los Angeles; MS, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis/St Paul


Datta, Robin Paul
Instructor, Political Science
BA, University of Wisconsin; MA, University of Delaware; PhD, University of California

De La Torre, Jorge
Vice President, Student Success and Engagement
AA, Grossmont College; BA, San Diego State University; MA, University of San Francisco; EdD, Concordia University Portland

DeMoss, Ryan
Instructor, English
BA, Pennsylvania State University, MA, University of Nebraska; MFA, Seton Hill University

de Zuviria Padlock, Maria
Instructor, Computer Science
AAS and BS, Utah Valley University

Durkee, Matthew
Director, Veterans Resource Center
AA, Whatcom Community College; BA, Western Washington University; MA, Adler University


Edlin, Traci
Instructor, Culinary Arts
ATA, Edmonds College

Einfeld, Mark
Instructor, Computer Information Systems
BA, Azusa Pacific University; MS, University of Liverpool

Eldridge, Jeff E.
Instructor, Mathematics
BS, University of Washington

Elsa-Gordon, Lauriel
Instructor, Child, Youth & Family Studies
BA, University of the Virgin Islands; MA, Antioch University Seattle; MEd, Pacific Lutheran University

Endecott, Danielle M.
Director, Finance
BA, University of Washington


Farley, Beth
Director, ctcLink & Enterprise
AA and AS, Marshalltown Community College; BA and MALS, University of Missouri; Ed.S., Vanderbilt University; CERT, University of Washington

Fleming, Marvin T.
Instructor, Physics
BS, California State University Long Beach; MS, University of California San Diego

Fletcher, Amanda
Executive Director, Office of International Programs
MA, School for International Training; BA, Meredith College

Fogarty, Kevin T.
Instructor, Culinary Arts
BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fox, Lilly
Instructor, English Prep - Pre-College
MA, Western Washington University; BA, University of Washington

Fredrickson, Elisabeth L.
Director, Title III: ePathways
BA and MA, University of Washington


Galipeau, Nicole A.
Dean, Humanities & Social Sciences
BA, University of Washington; MA, Western Washington University

Garibay, Julio
Instructor, Computer Science
BS, University of Baja California; MS, National University; DBA, Alliant International University

Gehlsen, Marc
Director of Admissions & Outreach
BA, University of Mary Washington; ME, Central Washington University

George, Diana R.
Director, Pursuit
CERT, University of California San Diego; BA and MA, University of Virginia

Gibbs, Virginia
Instructor, Academic English - International Education
BA, California State University; MA, San Francisco State University

Glazewski, Terri L.
Instructor, Allied Health
AA, Broward Community College; AS, Palm Beach Junior College; BS, Florida Atlantic University; MS, Seattle Pacific University

Gray, Sarah
Instructor, Learning Resources Division
MLIS, University of Hawaii; BA, University of Washington

Green, Roxanne
Instructor, Social and Human Services
BS and MA, University of Houston; MA, North Central University; PhD Kingdom University

Griesbach, Daniel J.
Instructor, English Prep - Pre-College
BA, University of California at Santa Cruz; PhD, University of Washington


Haddock, Scott L.
Instructor, Paralegal
BA, University of Washington; JD, Willamette University

Hailey, Steven P.
Instructor, Computer Information Systems
CERT, Oregon State University; Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP); Digital Forensics Certified Practitioner; 32 Technical Certifications in Computer Information Systems/Digital Forensics

Haines, Kimberly R.
Instructor, Business Information Technology
BS, University of Montana

Hajec, Lauren
Director, Advising
BS, Worcester State University; MS, Central Washington University

Halverson, Rod
Director, Cybersecurity
AA, CERT in Digital Forensics, COCs in Information Security, Cyber Defense Fundamentals, and Cisco Networking, Edmonds College; COC in It Security, FEMA; COCs in IoT Forensics, Blockchain Forensics and Dark Web
Investigations, OSINT Investigations, and Cryptocurrency and Financial Crime Investigations, Center for CIC

Hamp, William T.
Instructor, Engineering
BS, University of Michigan; PhD, University of Washington

Han, Yoon
Instructor, Accounting
DBA, Metropolitan State University; MBA, Rutgers University; BBA, Yonsei University

Harrill, Rob
Instructor, English
BA, Brigham Young University; MA, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi

Hawkins, Vernon
Dean, Business Division
BS, Oklahoma State University; MBA, Amberton University

Hays, Lori B.
Instructor, Biology
BS, Texas A&M University; PhD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Hope, Melissa L.
Instructor, Mathematics
BA, University of California-San Diego; MS, University of Washington

Howie, Tucker L.
Instructor, Engineering
BS, MS, & PhD, University of Washington

Hubbard, Michelle S.
Instructor, College and Career Prep - Pre-College
BA, DePaul University; MA, University of Illinois-Chicago


Inslee, Jennifer L.
Instructor, English
BA and MA, Western Washington University


Jacobson, David M.
Instructor, Construction Management
AAS and AAS, Columbia Basin Community College; BS, Oregon Institute of Technology; MS, University of Washington

Jeter-Hill, Jade
Director, Safety, Security, & Emergency Preparedness,
AA, Everett Community College; BA, The Evergreen State College; MEP, FEMA, NEMMAA Graduate

Ju, Sophia
Instructor, Accounting
BE, Hunan Institute of Finance and Economics; MPA, Seattle University


Kadwell, Frank Edward
Instructor, Information Technology - Application Development
BS, University of Minnesota; MS and PhD, Capella University

Kelly, Maria R.
Instructor, Environmental Science
BS, University of Connecticut; MS, University of California

Kerr, Craig B.
Director, Services for Students with Disabilities, BS, Florida State University; MA, Michigan State University

Kim, Ben
Director, IT Operations and Infrastructure
BA, University of Washington

King, Casey J.
Senior Director, Human Resources, BA, Central
Washington University; MA and JD, University of Oregon

Klem, Rachel
Director, Black Box Theatre
B.A.,San Francisco State College; M.F.A, DePaul University

Kobayashi, Elizabeth C.
Dean, International Education
BA, University of Washington; MA, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Kolanda, Patrick M.
Instructor, Construction Management
AA, Edmonds College

Kotlove, Barry S.
Instructor, Economics
BA, Hobart and Williams Colleges; MA, University of Missouri; PhD, University of California-Davis

Kuklok, Allison
Instructor, Philosophy
AA, Portland Community College; BA, Wellesley College; PhD, Harvard University

Kumar, Pranab
Instructor, English
BA, St Xavier’s College; MA, University of Calcutta; MA, Western Michigan University; PhD, Michigan State University

Kunimoto, Nina
Instructor, Sociology
BA, School for International Training; MA, World Learning School for International Training; MA, Marlboro Graduate Center; PhD, University of Massachusetts


Lagrutta, Kristi Deann
Senior Director, Workforce Development and Training
BA and MA, California State University Stanislaus

Ledford, Tiffany
Instructor, Mathematics
BS and MS, Virginia Commonwealth University

Lefrancois-Hanson, Katrina
Interim Assistant Dean, Office of Instruction
BA, Western Washington University; MEd, City University of Seattle

Leithauser, Brent
Instructor, Allied Health
BA, Stanford University; AS, Bellevue College; PharmD, University of Washington School of Pharmacy

Leoni, Deann A.
Instructor, Mathematics
BS, University of Redlands; MS, Oregon State University

Levi, Claudia A.
Instructor, Business Management
BS, California State University; MBA, Seattle University

Lin, Hsinmei
Instructor, English
BA, Fu Jen Catholic University; BA, National Chengchi University; PhD, University of Washington

Linker, Darren
Director, Occupational Safety and Health
BS, Oregon State University; MEd, University of Washington

Lucca, Oswaldo
Instructor, Modern Language
BA, Catholic University of Puerto Rico; MA, University of Washington; PhD, University of Aruba-Curacao

Lugli, Charlene
Instructor, Computer Science
B.S., Georgia Tech; M.S., Georgia Tech.


Magarelli, Karen
Executive Director, Marketing and Public Information; Public Information Officer
BBA Pace University

Mallahan, Alicia
Executive Director, Financial Aid
BS and MBA, Western Governer’s University

Martin-Cummins, Ann E.
Director, Budgeting
BA, University of Rochester; AA Shoreline Community College

McAfee, Mika L.
Instructor, Social and Human Services
BA, University of Washington; MA, Seattle University

McCoy, Kyra D.
Director, Nursing, BS, Illinois Wesleyan University; MSN, St Louis University

McIntosh, Gabrielle M.
Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Western Washington University; MS, New Mexico State University

McKay, Melissa M.
Instructor, Monroe Correctional Complex
AAS, Edmonds College; BS, University of Washington; MS, Johns Hopkins University; BS, WGU

McKeown, Geoffrey T.
Instructor, International Education Division
BA, Seattle Pacific University; MA TESOL, Seattle Pacific University

Meehan, Kari Lee
Instructor, Business Information Technology
BA, University of Washington; MBA, Seattle Pacific University

Miller, Jonathan A.
Instructor, Biology
BA, Amherst College; MS, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; PhD, University of Washington

Monroe, Ross J.
Instructor, Engineering
BS, Oregon State University; MS, University of Washington

Moore, Jesse Earl
Instructor, Engineering Technology
AA, Clover Park Technical College; BA, Clover Park Technical College

Moore, Johnetta D.
Instructor, Learning Resources Division
BA and MLS, University of Washington

Moreau, Suzanne
Vice President, Human Resources
BA, Washington State University

Morgan, Kimberley R.
Project Director, TRIO Student Support Services
BA, Seattle University; MPA, Seattle University Institute of Public Service

Mueller, Charles
Instructor, Physics
BS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mueth, Elizabeth A.
Director, Curriculum & Scheduling
AA, Lincoln Land Community College; BA, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; MS, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Muhammad, Uzair
Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Purdue University; MS, Texas Tech University

Mulik, James J.
Vice President, Finance, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness
BS, Rockhurst College; MAS, The Ohio State University

Mungin, Mungina
Instructor, Construction Management
A.A., Edmonds College; B.S., University of Washington.

Murata, Claire
Associate Dean, Library
BA, The Evergreen State College; CERT, Seattle University; MLIS, University of Washington

Murphy, Kathleen V.
Instructor, English
BA, University of Missouri; MA, Miami University


Nelson, Nancy Stiles
Instructor, Corrections Education Division
BA and MA, Western Washington University

Nelson, Travis Joseph
Director, College in the High School
BA, California State University, Monterey Bay; MA, University of Warwick; MA and PhD, University of Washington

Nesvog, Kelvin J.
Director, Procurement & Asset Management
BS, Central Washington University

Neumann, Lisa L.
Director, Center For Families
CERT, Everett Community College; BA, Eastern Washington University; MEd, University of Washington

Nieman, Jeannie M.
Instructor, Physical Education
BS, Central Washington University; MA, Seattle Pacific University

Nye, Alaina M.F.
Instructor, Chemistry
BS, University of Washington; PhD, Washington State University

NyQuist, Kristen M.
Director, Planning and Operations, BM, Western Washington University


Obourn, Allison E.
Instructor, Computer Science
BS and MS, University of Washington

Owen, Douglas C.
Instructor, Mathematics
BS (Math) and BS (Physics), University of Arizona; MS, University of Washington

Owens, Jeffrey
Instructor, Chemistry
BS, University of California, Santa Barbara; PhD, University of California, Davis

O’Donnell, Elizabeth A.
Instructor, Hospitality and Tourism
BA, University of Puget Sound


Palomino, Julie C.
Instructor, English Language Acquisition
BA, University of Washington; MA, Seattle Pacific University

Park, Jaehan
Instructor, English Language Acquisition
MS and PhD, Indiana University

Patterson, Elizabeth A.
Director, Allied Health Education
BS, University of Toronto; Diploma in Radiology Technology, Toronto Institute of Medical Technology; JD University of Puget Sound

Pedrosa Diaz, Pablo
Instructor, Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Technology
BS and MS, Polytechnical University of Catalonia; BS, Western Governors University; MS, Girona University; MBA, Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración

Penny, Anne
Director, Business Outreach
BA, University of North Carolina-Greensboro; MEd, University of North Carolina- Greensboro

Phillips, Rachel L.
Instructor, College and Career Prep - Pre-College
BA, Oregon State University; MA, Oregon State University

Portolese, Victor
Director, App & Data Services,
CERT, Lean and Prosci Change Management

Pouley, Theresa M.
Instructor, Paralegal
BA, Gonzaga University; JD, Wayne State University Law School

Priyadarshini, Ishaani
Instructor, Computer Science
B.Sc. and M.Sc.., Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology; M.Sc., University of Delaware; Ph.D., University of Delaware.


Quach, Kristin A.
Director, English Language Acquisition Student Services,
BA, University of Florida; MA, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey


Ray, Erik J.
Instructor, History
BA, Evergreen State College; MA, University of Portland

Robinweiler, Catharine
Instructor, Nursing
BSN, University of Washington

Roland, Jeremiah J.
Director, Learning Support Center
BA, University of Washington

Rossman, Leslie
Instructor, Communication Studies
BA Southern Illinois University; MA University of Illinois, Springfield; PhD University of Denver

Russ, Christina L. I.
Dean, Enrollment Services
BA, UC Berkeley; Teacher Credential, CSU Fresno; MEd, Western Governors University


Sanchez, Karen
Instructor, English Language Acquisition
BA, University of Puget Sound; MA, Whitworth University

Sanders, John G.
Instructor, Music
BM, Central Washington University; MM, Central Washington University

Santana, Daisy
Counselor, BS, University of Maryland, Global Campus; MSW, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Saplad, Thalia R.
Director, International Outreach
BA, Seattle University

Schmitt, Cassandra
Director, MESA Program
BA, Lubbock Christian University; MS, Texas Tech University

Schroyer, Carey J.
Dean, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Division,
BS(H), Queen’s University; BS, Logan University; DC, Logan College of Chiropractic; MEd, Western Washington University; Ed. D, New Jersey City University

Schubert, Lisa R.
Instructor, English Prep - Pre-College
BA, University of Minnesota; MA and MEd, University of Washington

Schwartz, Stacey L.
Instructor, Culinary Arts
ATA, Edmonds College; BAS, South Seattle College

Seely, Mark R.
Instructor, Psychology
AA, Spokane Falls Community College; BA, Eastern Washington University; MA, University of California; PhD, University of California

Sheppard, Jackie
Instructor, English Language Acquisition
AA, Santa Monica College; BA, Humboldt State University; MA, University of Washington

Sherman, John E.
Instructor, Academic English - International Education
CERT, BA, and MA, Indiana State University; MA, Macquarie University

Shlichta, Jennifer
Instructor, Biology
BS, Washington State University; PhD, University of Maryland

Sibicky, Nicholas A.
Instructor, Music
BM and MM, University of Hartford; DMA, University of Texas at Austin

Singh, Amit B.
BA, Patna University; MA, Patna University; MBA, Salisbury University; MS, Georgia State University; PhD, Ranchi University

Slade, Jake
Director, Continuing Education Business Div
BS, Northern Arizona University

Smith, Eva L.
Chief Information Officer
AAS, Shoreline Community College; BA and MS, University of Washington

Smith, Katherine
Title IX Coordinator & Investigator, HR
MS, Sam Houston State University.

Smith, Taylor
Instructor, Nursing
BSN, American Public University

Syed, Hajira A.
Director, Enrollment Services
AA, Folsom Lake College; BS, Western Governors University

Szarek, Chris
Executive Director, Facilities Planning, Operations, and Capital Projects
AA, University of Maryland University College; BA and MBA, University of Washington


Takeda, Satoko
Counselor, Counseling and Resource Center
B.A., Western Washington University; M.A., Antioch University Seattle

Terrell-Powell, Yvonne
Vice President, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
BA, Langston University; MA and MEd, Teachers College, Columbia University; PhD, College of Education, Pennsylvania State University

Thew, Kendra Rieger
Counselor, Counseling and Resource Center
BA and MA, Gonzaga University; PhD, Washington State University

Thompson, Charles M.
Associate Dean, Workforce Funding Programs
AA, South Seattle Community College; BA and MEd, University of Washington

Torres, Christine
Director, IT Service Management
ATA, Edmonds College

Townsend, Karen L.
Dean, Health Human Services
BA and MS, Seattle Pacific University

Tran, Thutrang (Marie)
Instructor, Business Management
BS, Oklahoma State University-Stillwater; MBA, University of Central Oklahoma

Truss, Anna
Instructor, Computer Information Systems
A.S., Edmonds College; ATA, Edmonds College; B.S., Excelsior; Graduate Certificate, University of Fairfax; M.S. Excelsior.


Van Belle, James G.
Instructor, English
BA, University of Washington; MFA, Eastern Washington University; MAT, Seattle Pacific University

Voetmann, David
Director, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BFA, University of Washington


Wade Brown, Rachel H.
Instructor, Physics
BA, Whitman College; MS, University of Washington

Wallace, Jessica
Director, Information Technology, BS and MS, Central Washington University

Walsh, Heather T.
Instructor, Chemistry
BS, University of Minnesota-Morris; MS, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis

Watridge, Penny
Instructor, Nursing
BS, Bellevue College; MS, Western Governors University

Weitz, Frederick J.
Instructor, Psychology
BA and MS, Eastern Washington University

Whitfield, Mary
Instructor, Chemistry
BS, Syracuse University; MS, University of Washington

Williams, Ginger
Executive Director, Head Start
AA, Portland Community College; BS, Portland State University; MEd, Grand Canyon University


Yue, Yiren
Instructor, Biology
BE, Beijing Forestry University; PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst