2011-2012 Catalog 
    Dec 26, 2024  
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CS 274 - Three-Dimensional Game Development IV DirectX

5.0 Credits
Course covers 3D game programming using the latest version of the DirectX API. Topics include particle systems, shadows, reflections, curved surface representations, collision detection and spatial partitioning (was CMPSC 274). Prerequisite: CS 273  (was CMPSC 273) with a grade of at least 2.5 or equivalent experience.

Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Write code which will implement multiple texturing. [REASON]
  2. Write code which will use environment mapping to implement chrome mapping and cartoon shading. [REASON]
  3. Use hierarchical transformations to position objects relative to one another. [REASON]
  4. Use vertex animation to display animated characters. [REASON]
  5. Describe how hardware considerations affect graphics efficiency, and how various optimization processes can be used to overcome efficiency bottlenecks. [COMMUNICATE]
  6. Describe the limits on texture resolution and be able to determine cases in which the limits become important. [COMMUNICATE]
  7. Describe skinning and its relationship to other animation techniques. [COMMUNICATE]
  8. Describe the uses of spatial partitioning and write code to implement spatial partition algorithms such as, quadtrees, octtrees, KD-trees, and BSP Trees. [COMMUNICATE]
  9. Describe the difference between broad and narrow phase collision detection and write a program that implements both. [COMMUNICATE]
  10. Describe situations in which different collision detection strategies, such as ray intersection testing, ellipsoid, unit spheres, swept sphere and triangle are applicable, and be able to write algorithms to implement each technique. [COMMUNICATE]
  11. Describe common methods of determining potential visibility sets. [COMMUNICATE]
  12. Clearly communicate problem and solution descriptions to the instructor and peers, and work with peers to jointly solve programming problems. [COMMUNICATE]

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