Mar 13, 2025
MUSC 101 - Music Fundamentals I
5.0 Credits Introduction to musical elements, including reading and writing notes and rhythms, major and minor scales and key signatures, intervals and triads. Ear training and piano skills are incorporated. Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify and define common musical symbols and terms.
- Identify and notate pitches on the staff- treble, alto, tenor and bass clefs.
- Identify and write basic rhythms in simple and compound meters.
- Construct major and minor scales.
- Identify and notate all major and minor key signatures.
- Identify and notate all diatonic simple intervals.
- Identify/notate the following by ear: all simple intervals; major, natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor scales; triads in root position; rhythms in simple time signatures; melodies on the first five notes of the major scale.
- Play the following on piano: Major scales and primary chords; short piano pieces (level to be determined by student and instructor).
Course Typically Offered Full Year
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