Mar 13, 2025
GED 5 - Spanish GED
5.0 Credits This is a structured course to help Spanish-speaking students demonstrate competencies in civics and government, geography, history, economics, culture and society based on state guidelines. This course allows students to learn new comprehension skills in preparation for passing the official Spanish Social Studies GED test. Completion of PREP 15 or advisor placement into GED 5 is recommended.
Este es un curso estructurado para ayudar a los estudiantes de habla Hispana a demostrar competencias en educaci cica y gobierno, geograf, historia, econom, cultura y sociedad seg las regulaciones estatales. Este curso permite a los estudiantes aprender nuevas habilidades de comprensi en preparaci para aprobar el examen oficial GED de Estudios Sociales en Espal.Se recomienda altamente: Finalizar el curso de PREP 15 con anterioridad o se puede registrar en GED 5 por colocaci directa del asesor. Prerrequisito: Se requiere asesoramiento academico antes de tomar este curso.
Prerequisite: Department orientation and advising are required before taking this course. Course-level Learning Objectives (CLOs) Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate improvement in one or more of the following areas: reading skills, basic communication skills, map and graphic skills, thinking skills, social participation skills.
- Assess and build upon current abilities, learning characteristics and styles.
- Read to deduce information from visual representations such as maps, charts, graphs, or pictures.
- Demonstrategroup interaction skills.
- Recall and apply test-taking strategies in preparation for passing the GED®.
- Explore and apply study skill techniques.
Course Typically Offered Fall, Spring
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