Student Handbook 
    Sep 12, 2024  
Student Handbook

Academic Support Services - LEARNING SUPPORT CENTER

The Learning Support Center provides free one-on-one academic tutoring for academic support and classroom instruction. You may strengthen your learning skills and increase your opportunity for academic success. The Center’s staff will assist you in almost any class and answer your questions in a supportive, friendly, and individualized setting. The Learning Support Center consists of the Tutoring Center and the Writing Center. You will receive help with writing in the Writing Center and all other subjects in the Tutoring Center.

Tutoring Center

The Tutoring Center is staffed by friendly and knowledgeable students who offer free tutoring to currently registered students. Drop-in tutoring is available in the following subjects: accounting, biology, BSTEC, chemistry, computer science, economics, French, horticulture, legal studies, logic, math, physics, psychology, Spanish, and statistics. Not all subjects are offered at all hours; check the subject schedules at the Center.

Writing Center

The Writing Center provides free assistance with writing across the curriculum. You may bring a writing project at any point, from any class, for positive feedback and discussion in a comfortable atmosphere. You may register for credit through the Writing Center in Write 095 or Write 101. For more information, you can find us at Learning Support Center.


eTutoring provides free academic support to currently registered EdCC students in math, writing, and other subject areas as well. Help is available both synchronously and asynchronously. Discuss a math problem live with a tutor or submit an essay for feedback (papers are generally responded to in 24-48 hours)

Grammar Corner

You work with instructors on a drop-in basis on grammar issues, building your skills to better identify and correct grammar issues in your writing. Session as restricted to no more than one visit to Grammar Corner each week. Grammar 

Corner is ideal for students deeper in program of study but still finding issues with grammar in their writing.